daedalus / factoring

Mining code for the FACT0RN blockchain.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mining code for the FACT0RN blockchain. For the binaries and instructions on how to run a node see FACT0RN. To run the miner you will need Docker.

You will need the scriptPubKey from an address in your wallet. For instructions on how to get a wallet, an address in your wallet and get the scriptPubKey for that address see the instructions on FACT0RN.

These instructions are for the case where you are mining on the same machine where you have a node running:

  1. From the parent folder of this repo, build the image:
docker build -t factorn_mining .
  1. Now, to run a container do this:
docker run -ti -e SCRIPTPUBKEY="ValidScriptPubKey" -e YAFU_THREADS=4 -e YAFU_LATHREADS=4 --network host factorn_mining  bash -c "python3 FACTOR.py"

I'd recommend to run as many container as you have physical cores mines one. So, if you have 4 cores, run 3 containers by executing step 2 three times.

Happy factoring!

Note: There are a few sophiscated software implemntations for factoring. Currently, we use YAFU by default. For advanced users, you can look into YAFU, ECM-GMP and CADO-NFS. A setup using CADO-NFS is welcomed. If you create one, please let us know.


Website: https://fact0rn.io
Whitepaper: https://fact0rn.io/FACT0RN_whitepaper.pdf
Coinbase: https://blog.coinbase.com/fact0rn-blockchain-integer-factorization-as-proof-of-work-pow-bc48c6f2100b
E-mail: fact0rn@pm.me
Discord: https://discord.gg/gG7MXxS5Fd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LionesEscanor
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FACT0RN/


Mining code for the FACT0RN blockchain.

License:MIT License


Language:C 52.1%Language:Cuda 45.0%Language:Assembly 1.3%Language:Python 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:C++ 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%