dachcom-digital / pimcore-i18n

Pimcore - i18n Manager

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i18n_context twig helper for other than current document

BlackbitDevs opened this issue · comments

Use case: Link to localized document in the current language. For example if you had documents /de/impressum and /en/imprint and want to link to the correct page from the start page /deor /en. /de/impressum and /en/imprint are linked with the Localization Tool

Currently there is the i18n_context twig helper but this can only fetch linked variants of current document (or am I missing something?).
Perhaps we could either add an option to call i18n_context with another document than the current one.
Or even better would be if we introduced a twig helper which you can provide a document object (or its full path) and a locale - and you automatically get the URL for the document in the desired language (based on linked languages of the given document).

A twig helper would be the better way. Good one!

I spent way too much time on this :). But now, this is possible on dev-master.

In case you're still interested: https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-i18n/blob/master/docs/21_CustomI18nContextLookUp.md

We refactored the complete I18n bootstrap for this, but I think it was worth the time. The workflow is much cleaner now.

Would love to hear some feedback before we're going to tag this.

Love it!

The only thing I am wondering about:

{% set object_context = i18n_create_context_by_entity(pimcore_object(16), { _locale: 'en', object_id: 16 }) %}

Is there a difference to

{% set object_context = i18n_create_context_by_entity(pimcore_object(16), { _locale: 'en' }) %}


Or the other way around, what happens when doing

{% set object_context = i18n_create_context_by_entity(pimcore_object(16), { _locale: 'en', object_id: 123 }) %}

Good catch, I just pushed the correct examples. In your third example, the object_id: 123 would be ignored, since the entity property is stronger in i18n_create_context_by_entity which will then call the corresponding link generator!

Ok, sounds good to me. Big thanks for the effort!