dachcom-digital / pimcore-i18n

Pimcore - i18n Manager

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Session causes non working full page cache

gahabkaFlorian opened this issue · comments

Bug report? yes

In Pimcore v5, I want to use the full page cache but I need a PHPSESSID cookie. This disables the cache with a message
“X-Pimcore-Output-Cache-Disable-Reason: Session in use”. (Repsonse Header)

If the i18n manager bundle is disables, the cache works properly and no "PHPSESSID" is available.

Is there a possibility to run the cache with this cookie?

I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment. The Session Bag is required by the DetectorListener. However, we could implement a disable/enable flag which allows you to pass a this service. You could try to override the I18nBundle\Session\SessionConfigurator and I18nBundle\EventListener\DetectorListener in the meantime.

It would be quite good if you could implement an option that disable/enable the service.
Because I need the full page cache, I would highly appreciate this option.
Overwriting the code is not an option for me at this moment.

This has been fixed in 2.4.1 and 3.1.0.