da2x / EdgeDeflector

A tiny helper application to force Windows 10 to use your preferred web browser instead of ignoring the setting to promote Microsoft Edge. Only runs for a microsecond when needed.

Home Page:https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/edgedeflector-default-browser.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Documentation] Would it be possible to update the FAQ with slightly more recent information?

rubyFeedback opened this issue · comments


I recently read about EdgeDeflector after Microsoft tried to kill it - the Streisand effect is real. :-)

(Also a bit weird that we write this on Github which belongs to Microsoft ... but anyway.)

Would it be possible to point out whether EdgeDeflector still works even after MS recent
anti-EdgeDeflector changes? I read that EdgeDeflector no longer works now, but other
tools such as daemons would still work. May be useful for EdgeDeflector to get an optional
daemon part if that isn't too much work in the long run - but this issue is mostly about
documentation updates, to see whether the FAQ still holds correct info. Thanks for