d99kris / rapidcsv

C++ CSV parser library

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rename uninstall target

hsdk123 opened this issue · comments

The target name uninstall is too common, and will collide with other libraries.


This thread is a request to change the name to ex. uninstall_rapidcsv

In your use-case I suspect you are using rapidcsv as a sub-component, for example via add_subdirectory() or FetchContent_MakeAvailable() - is it correct?

I guess when rapidcsv is built/used as a sub-component it would be better for it to disable both install and uninstall completely, and only support them when rapidcsv is built/installed standalone. Do you have any concerns with such approach?

In your use-case I suspect you are using rapidcsv as a sub-component, for example via add_subdirectory() or FetchContent_MakeAvailable() - is it correct?

Yup, exactly.

only support them when rapidcsv is built/installed standalone

That sounds perfectly fine for my use case!

Great, thanks for the quick reply!

I'll look into this. I think rapidcsv should be able to determine whether its used as a sub-component using something like this:

Thanks for reporting this @hsdk123 - a fix has been implemented (see above).

Let me know if you still encounter issues related to this. Thanks!