d99kris / rapidcsv

C++ CSV parser library

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Insert Rows and Columns - A Thank you!!!

jtaylorme opened this issue · comments

Assuming you are interested in adding them, here is code for inserting rows and columns. Guess you will want to tweak things a bit as well as making sure I didn't mess up something. Tried to keep things in line with your other code. Check on the cCount thing I did in the row insert. Probably a better way since you will know what you are doing.

Thanks again.


     * @brief   Insert row by index.  Inserts at postion so new row will preceed specified row.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
    void InsertRow(const size_t pRowIdx, const string defValue = "", const int cCount = 0)
        const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
        vector<string> insVector(GetColumnCount()+cCount, defValue);
        mData.insert(mData.begin() + rowIdx, insVector);

     * @brief   Insert row by name.  Insert at postion so new row will preceed specified row.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
    void InsertRow(const std::string& pRowName, const std::string newRowName = "", const string defValue = "")
        ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
        if (rowIdx < 0)
            throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);

        InsertRow(rowIdx, defValue, 1);
        SetRowName(rowIdx, newRowName);

     * @brief   Insert column by index. Inserts at specified position so will preceed column at current position.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
    void InsertColumn(const size_t pColumnIdx, const string defValue = "")
        const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
        for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
            itRow->insert(itRow->begin() + columnIdx, defValue);

     * @brief   Insert column by name.  Inserts at specified position so will preceed column at current position.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
    void InsertColumn(const std::string& pColumnName, const string newColName = "", const string defValue = "")
        ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
        if (columnIdx < 0)
            throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);

        InsertColumn(columnIdx, defValue);

Thanks a lot! I will take a look and see how to integrate this. It makes sense to support inserting columns/rows.

Hi again @jtaylorme - thanks again for the contributions.

I made a bit of adjustments for consistency with the other functions in rapidcsv, and also added some tests.

It was committed above.

Most Excellent. Thanks again.
