d78ui98 / APKDeepLens

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AndroidManifest.xml not found

HackJJ opened this issue · comments


So, I get an error saying AndroidManifest.xml not found with the below. I can run jadx against the APK successfully. What is happening?

❯ python3 APKDeepLens.py -apk Example.apk                                                                    
 ████  █████  ██  ██    ( )                  (_ )                           
██  ██ ██  ██ ██ ██    _| |  __     __  _ _   | |     __    ___    ___      
██████ █████  ████   /'_` | /'_`\ /'_`\( '_`\ | |    /'_`\/' _ `\/',__)     
██  ██ ██     ██ ██ ( (_| |(  __/(  __/| (_) )| |__ (  __/| ( ) |\__, \     
██  ██ ██     ██  ██`\__,_)`\___)`\___)| ,__/'(____/`\___)(_) (_)(____/     
                                       | |                                  
                                              - Made By Deepanshu
[+] /Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/Example.apk found!
[+] Creating new directory for extracting apk : /Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/app_source/Example.apk
[+] Extracting the source code to : /Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/app_source/Example.apk
INFO  - loading ...
CompletedProcess(args=['/Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/static_tools/jadx/bin/jadx', '/Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/Example.apk', '-d', '/Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/app_source/Example.apk'], returncode=0)
[-] ERROR: Manifest file /Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/app_source/Example.apk/resources/AndroidManifest.xml not found.
/Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/APKDeepLens.py:275: [-] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/jj/Documents/APKDeepLens/app_source/Example.apk/resources/AndroidManifest.xml' at line 202

Hello @HackJJ

Thank you for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce this error. Could you please tell me more about it?
Like which environment are you using, any other details.

I also encountered the same problem. At first, I thought it was the mac computer that opened jadx, and then I chose to allow it to open. This problem still exists. I think you can try running it on the mac computer.

Hey @HackJJ @shiyiyy I also ran in Mac, but didn't face any issues. Could you please be more specific on which architecture you running?


图片 1 My computer is an Intel Core i7 from 2019, with a system version of 14.2.1。 It seems that other people's Windows computers are also experiencing this issue. My Python 3 version is 3.9.6

The project is so cool . But on my windows (core i5 10210u, windows 11 version 22361 ) experiencing this problem too. hope to resole this problem soon. ERROR: Manifest file D:\test\test\test\APKDeeplens\app_source\test.apk\resources\AndroidManifest.xml not found. My Python version is Python 3.11.4
pip version is 23.1.2 and when I pip install the requirements file, it prompts 'but you have cryptography 42.0.5 which is incompat'.

Looks like it's happening with everyone, I tried on both Mac Intel Arc and M1 and it was working fine with me. @d78ui98 Pls check this.

It seems that the built-in jadx is causing this error, the built-in jadx version is ‘dev’, I use https://github.com/skylot/jadx/releases/tag/v1.4.7 to replace the/root/APKDeepLens/static_tools/jadx/, works.

@SuperZero I am not sure if it's true, because I am using same build in the repo and it's working fine. Others may try your solution and let us know if they still face same issue

It seems that the built-in jadx is causing this error, the built-in jadx version is ‘dev’, I use https://github.com/skylot/jadx/releases/tag/v1.4.7 to replace the/root/APKDeepLens/static_tools/jadx/, works.

Great answer, I successfully ran this program by downloading and resetting all files under the jadx folder.Tks Bro.

It seems that the built-in jadx is causing this error, the built-in jadx version is ‘dev’, I use https://github.com/skylot/jadx/releases/tag/v1.4.7 to replace the/root/APKDeepLens/static_tools/jadx/, works.

Thank you very much. I can also run normally now



Thank you, @SuperZero, for the jadx fix and @wujianxin0 for the JDK version upgrade insight.

Both suggestions are invaluable, and I will be updating the README to reflect the JDK version requirement to assist future users.

In my environment, I am using OpenJDK version 17, so I was unable to reproduce the error initially I thought it was due to a difference in the Python version. But thanks to you both for your insightful comments they make a significant difference 😄

Hi, first thanks for the program, i am getting the same issue, but did not solve it with @SuperZero solution, or maybe i'm doing it wrong, i downloaded the jadx zip, and replace inside the route that he gives, my python version is 3.9.2, on a linux desktop.

EDIT2: Solved it updating JDK, didnt translate @wujianxin0 at first, but thanks for the hint.


According to the above statement, the Mac M series does not work. I directly installed jadx locally and then modified the code to not use jadx in the static_tools directory to run successfully!