d4rk22 / Network-Status-Page

Designed to monitor a local server and network with forecast.io, Plex, and pfSense integration.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

is this still under development?

seanvree opened this issue · comments

I see a few forks out there, but none seem to be active. This is a great project! Just wondering if there is another project out there that is active.

I am not actively developing it. What are you looking for? I've been toying around with rewriting it in a modern language but there are already quote a few alternatives out there now.

@d4rk22 - I'm looking for a solution that provides exactly this.

I simply would like a one-page status monitoring for my plex tools.

This is exactly what I'd like! Not sure why no one is developing it anymore? I sure as hell haven't found a good replcaement.

I'm a python and windows guru, so if you'd like to revive, I could help.

Also, it looks like someone else picked up the project and got pretty far, but again, fell off:


@seanvree What system would you be running it on? If I picked this back up I would probably run it and test it on Ubuntu with apache.

Windows with IIS. But I can make that work, just as long as it isn't designed for OSx.

I mean, if we picked the project back up we could make it work for both ubuntu and windows with slight modification if we use PHP.

@d4rk22 just FYI, we've picked this project back up. I've got it working on windows and we're cleaning some things up. You're welcome to help out....or not. HA
