d3 / d3

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:

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How to build this chart

Meenakshise opened this issue · comments


I have to generate a chart like the below. can you please guide me on how to break down this chart? Should we fully rely on the D3 js for this or can we have a combination of html table and drawing a line on that table? If yes, please let us know which is the best approach.
This chart consists of mutliple sections and each section there will be a section name and section detail rows and a chart for it. In the example if you see Heart Rate and Blood pressure are 2 different sections and each of them has left section detail rows and on the right a chart for it. section detail rows should be aligned to the chart rows. Can that right chart be built using a html table and can we draw lines using d3 or how do u want us to build the whole chart. Your thoughts plz
