d3 / d3

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwards_trend::tada:

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README/API would benefit from vanilla html/js getting started section (not Observable).

haydenlinder opened this issue · comments

The existing API docs lack complete examples (only fragments of javascript without corresponding html), and Observable doesn't simulate a real development environment, making the learning curve for this library very steep.

This github would benefit from a 'getting started'/examples section with complete vanilla html/js examples to make it accessible to beginners who plan to use it with html/js.

Thanks for the feedback. Maintaining the examples and the API reference, in addition to the code itself, is a lot of work, and I don’t plan on maintaining a separate set of vanilla examples in addition to the Observable ones. I’d be happy to point to a community-maintained set of vanilla examples. One issue there is that many community examples are out of date; for example, the D3 Graph Gallery is mostly on version 4. You can also find many old versions of the D3 examples, now unmaintained, as GitHub gists.