tile.zoomDelta is undocumented.
curran opened this issue · comments
Add documentation for zoomDelta.
Some documentation on zoomDelta and how it works would be terrific. I am attempting to use d3-tile now and having to go via trial and error since I am not finding other docs or examples that make use of this version.
Researching this a bit, and here's what I found:
Demos related to zoomDelta
- https://observablehq.com/@mbostock/a-map-of-every-building
- https://observablehq.com/@d3/clipped-map-tiles
From #2:
It’s for showing tiles at different resolution than the screen. For example, if you have a HiDPI screen, you might take 256×256 tiles and display them in a 128×128 space.
I put this together for the documentation:
It would be cool to put them next to each other programmatically, but I haven't figured out the Observable syntax/API for having multiple SVG elements in a div.
Your notebook is private; can you click the notebook menu (the three horizontal dots in the header) and click on “Enable link sharing” so I can see it?
Oops! Should be visible now https://observablehq.com/d/6acb6597d1d35e6d
Ah, looks nearly identical to my approach, although I used a function to avoid duplicating the code. Great minds think alike? 😉