d3 / d3-selection

Transform the DOM by selecting elements and joining to data.

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Display Bar chart in popup using D3.

sharseema opened this issue · comments

I have done popup on map and working properly.I have district data but it is in two different formats (Json and CSV).So json file is used in OL3 and CSV file used in d3 to show the chart.Both files are having same attributes with same name.In this code Link , If user clicked on any district ,Popup chart will appear and inside popup chart , district name will change on x-Axis but the y-Axis value(B_75,B_90,B_2000,B_14) is not changing , only taking any random values and its constant .The y-Axis value is not iterating according to District name.How can i iterate y-Axis value in D3 and load only one District row in popup.

This is code Link ,in this code only one district data will display on console based on user click but not updating only y-Axis values.

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Thank you! 🤗