d3 / d3-selection

Transform the DOM by selecting elements and joining to data.

Home Page:https://d3js.org/d3-selection

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Did 1.3 break d3-zoom?

jacobp100 opened this issue · comments

I updated to d3-selection 1.3; however,. It seems to have broken d3-zoom.

I copied and pasted the code from here into a stackbitz example.


Perhaps you are including multiple versions of d3-selection in your dependencies, which could cause d3-zoom to have its own internal copy of d3-selection rather than the one specified at the top level of your application?

I would avoid mixing the d3 default bundle together with the D3 submodules such as d3-selection and d3-zoom; either using the default bundle or use the submodules, not both (and if you are in a modern environment and using a bundler, definitely prefer the submodules).

Fixed in 5.0; see d3/d3#3256.