d3 / d3-sankey

Visualize flow between nodes in a directed acyclic network.

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d3-sankey not functioning with ES6 imports, or just not functioning,

DDDgfx opened this issue · comments

Im trying to use d3-sankey and for the most part very faithfully to examples such as this: https://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/013054e8d7807dff76247b81b0e29030
The one difference being I am using ES6 imports to pull in the plug in like so:

import * as d3Sankey from "d3-sankey";

and I am currently using the actual data from the example:

        var testData = {

Later on when I push my data through the sankey function, it emerges unchanged, yet no errors are thrown. And then of course the transforms all fail because properties like d.x and d.y that d3-sankey would be inserting are not being inserted. Strangely I'm not getting any errors, d3-sankey seems to be not getting hit at all even though Im pretty confident I have imported it properly and it is a function. Below is the code - Any help greatly appreciated:

    function update(data) {

            // Set the sankey diagram properties.
            var aSankey = d3Sankey.sankey()
                .size([gWidth, gHeight]);

            var path = d3Sankey.sankeyLinkHorizontal();


            // add in the links
            var link = dataLr.append("g").selectAll(".link")
                .attr("class", "link")
                .attr("d", path)
                .style("stroke-width", function(d) { return Math.max(1, d.dy); })
                .sort(function(a, b) { return b.dy - a.dy; });

            // add the link titles
                .text(function(d) {
                    return d.source.name + " → " +
                        d.target.name + "\n" + format(d.value);

            // add in the nodes
            var node = dataLr.append("g").selectAll(".node")
                .attr("class", "node")
                .attr("transform", function(d) {
                    return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
                    //return "translate(" + 20 + "," + 50 + ")";

No solution for this now more than a month. Any one with any suggestions

I'm importing this library in a project using ES6 syntax as shown below and it works fine:

import { sankey, sankeyLinkHorizontal } from 'd3-sankey'

Here's the link to the code in my sample project:

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