d3 / d3-geo

Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.

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Buffer: Drop point information in unexpected circumstances.

martinfrances107 opened this issue · comments

While working out a bug in my own code. I came across some unexpected behaviour from


Admittedly the mistake was on my side... but I was expecting a different response from the library.

My error .. I was calling


before a call to


My own thinking about this bad senario is that we should silently drop the input.

The current behaviour we generate a TYPE error

line is undefined so this method blow up.

    point: function(x, y, m) {
      line.push([x, y, m]);

I will write a patch soon ... but I just wanted to canvas opinion before I change the behaviour.

I don't think we want to add tests here, at least in the JS version; and it's rather convenient to have an error if the API is not consumed correctly?

Fair enough.