d3 / d3-geo

Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.

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A problem with graticule after centering the projection

Z-Richard opened this issue · comments

The graticule does not show up outside the 180° boundary.

Code to reproduce this problem:

let projection = d3.geoMercator().center([150, 25]).scale([600])

And set up the graticule as default using garticule10():

svg.append('path').datum(graticule).attr('d', path).attr('stroke', 'white').attr('stroke-width', '0.3px').attr('stroke-opacity', 0.5);

This is probably not a usual use case of d3-geo, but I want to create a map that's centered at 140-150° E with proper meridians and parallels with Mercator projection.

I apologize if there is already a solution to this, but that's definitely not listed in the official document or d3 gallery.

It appears to be working as expected

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Thank you! 🤖

I apologize for not having put it very clearly, but what I want is that the parallels extend over the 180° meridian line. The behavior now, from both our example, is that the parallels stop at the 180° meridian line. And also, no meridians are drawn east of the 180° meridian line. That's what bothers me.

The solution would be a rotate .rotate([-150, 0]) to put that meridian in the middle of the map, then .center([0, 25]) to move the parallel. (But I almost always use translate rather than center).