d3 / d3-axis

Human-readable reference marks for scales.

Home Page:https://d3js.org/d3-axis

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Show scale extrema values in ticks

AdrienLemaire opened this issue · comments

Is there an option to show extrema ticks (in my case, the origin tick would suffice).

As you can see below, my y axis ticks are fine, except that I'd like a tick going through my x-axis. The domain goes from 388 to 617, and I'd like to keep the same ticks as shown on the graph + a new tick at position 388.


I will use tickValues for the time being and manually calculate all the ticks needed. Hopefully you can tell me about a simpler way :)

Sorry, realizing that this is a d3-scale issue, and that I should have asked the question on SO. Closing

Edit: For the record, I needed to update the domain of my scale with nice rounded values for d3.ticks

This did the trick

  // Rescale yAxis
  const [minValue, maxValue] = array.extent(userData, d => d.total);
  const newDistanceScale = window.distanceScale.domain([
    Math.floor(minValue / 10) * 10,
    Math.ceil(maxValue / 10) * 10
  const newYScale = d3zoom.zoomIdentity.rescaleY(newDistanceScale);