d3 / d3-axis

Human-readable reference marks for scales.

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How to apply pan/zoom to rotated X Axis labels?

MaheshVelankar opened this issue · comments

I am an absolute newbie to D3

I am able to follow and use the recipe of Rotated axis labels in v4 ( https://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/3c040800ff6457717cca586ae9547dbf )
However; if I apply pan/zoom to such plot, all labels vanish and even ticks do not move with the zoom or pan.

However; if the axis labels are kept without any special formatting of text-anchor and rotation etc, the zoom behavior for the axis works just fine.

Please let me know ( or point me to any example about ) how to use pan / zoom with rotated or formatted x axis labels.

(I have created same issue in d3/zoom (d3/d3-zoom#155))

Thanks in advance

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