d3 / d3-axis

Human-readable reference marks for scales.

Home Page:https://d3js.org/d3-axis

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Option to hide domain path (line)

ondrejsevcik opened this issue · comments

Hi, it would be nice to have an api for hiding domain line. Sometimes axis on a side doesn't need to show domain line, just values. Currently it is possible to hide it with css, but it would be nicer to not render it in a first place.

Thank you

I typically achieve this using the “post-selection” technique (modifying the DOM after creation by the axis). For example:

  .attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},0)`)
  .call(d3.axisLeft(y).ticks(8, "$.0f"))
  .call(g => g.select(".domain").remove())


Since post-selection enables a wide array of customizations, without needing to support them explicitly in d3-axis, that is my preferred approach.

.call(g => g.select(".domain").remove())

works well

Yes the provided solution above works, but that just feels way to hacky to be considered THE solution. Having an actual API to toggle this would be much appreciated.

I agree with @matthewverde . I think of the post-selection approach as introducing extra computational overhead by rendering the domain path, then removing it. It's unnecessary DOM manipulation that could be avoided. That said, it's not critical either in the grand scheme of things, but a "nice to have" sort of thing.


I've also used this

                    .attr('stroke-width', 0);

After defining and calling the yAxis_group (i.e., svg.append('g') ... .call(yAxis)).