d0vgan / nppexec

NppExec (plugin for Notepad++)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FR: Allow messagebox to show a message box that times out after x ms

Gitoffthelawn opened this issue · comments

It would be great to enhance messagebox "text" : "title" to allow showing a message box with a custom title and have a timeout (close itself) after x ms. This way, the user won't be forced to always interact with the message box.

Thanks again for NppExec!

Thanks! Here are 2 additional techniques that maybe could help you implement this functionality. I'm not sure, so I'll just mention them briefly:

  1. Use a system notification.
  2. Do something like PowerShell does. Foe example, in PowerShell, Shell.Popup("d0vgan", 1, "Title", 4096); will display a popup with the title Title and your username in the body. It will then close itself after 1 second if the user doesn't click on the OK button.

Wonderful! Thanks! You wouldn't believe the workaround I've been using... I actually have been using nppExec to push data to another application that then displays a notification (using the pushed data) that times out after 750ms. LOL.

It will be great to have this native within nppExec, and I look forward to deleting my workaround.

Thank you very much!