d0ublew / shaa

Linux System Hardening Automation with Ansible

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents


Ansible Roles

  • Linux system hardening based on CIS Distribution Independent Linux Benchmark v2.0.0 - 07-16-2019

    • AlmaLinux 8 and 9
    • Ubuntu 20.04
    • openSUSE Leap 15.3
  • Compliance Scanning and Report with OpenSCAP

    • AlmaLinux 8 and 9
    • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Security tools installation: Wazuh agent

    • AlmaLinux 8 and 9
    • Ubuntu 20.04
    • openSUSE Leap 15.3


User Interface for:

  • Creating Ansible inventory file
  • Enabling and disabling tasks from above roles
  • Overriding default variables from above roles
  • Generating Ansible playbook and executing the playbook

Additional features:

  • Tab completion
  • Input validation
  • Sensitive data encryption with Ansible Vault, for instance, password variables in above roles
  • Unsaved changes reminder



  • Python >= 3.9.0

Platform Support

  • GNU/Linux
  • Windows with Docker

Managed Machine

  • SSH service running
  • Python3 installed



Choose either one:

  • Pull from docker hub registry

    docker pull d0ublew/shaa
  • Build from source

    # Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/d0UBleW/shaa
    cd shaa
    docker build -t d0ublew/shaa .

After the docker image is ready, use this command to interact

docker run -it \
    --rm \
    -v ~/.shaa:/home/shaa/.shaa \


# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/d0UBleW/shaa
cd shaa

# Copy roles to ansible default role search path
mkdir -p ~/.ansible/roles
cp -r ./ansible/roles ~/.ansible/roles

# Install Ansible vault password file
sudo mkdir -p /opt/shaa
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/shaa
cp ./ansible/vault-password.py /opt/shaa
chmod +x /opt/shaa/vault-password.py

# Install the interactive shell

# Create virtual environment (optional, but recommended)
python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate

pip install ./ui


Quick Start

  1. Set an environment variable called VAULT_PASSWORD to encrypt sensitive data

    • shaa using Docker (~/.shaa is mounted to /home/shaa/.shaa)

      $ cat ~/.shaa/.env
    • shaa without Docker: Use .env file as above or export VAULT_PASSWORD=password

  2. View help page

    $ shaa-shell -h
  3. Run a shaa-shell script. Read more about shaa-shell script

    $ shaa-shell /path/to/shaa-shell-script
  4. Run a shaa-shell script and go into interactive mode

    $ shaa-shell -i /path/to/shaa-shell-script
  5. Start the interactive shell

    $ shaa-shell
  6. Use help -v to display the help menu

    shaa> help -v

Managing Inventory

  1. To create an inventory

    shaa> inventory create my/local
    [inv: my/local]
  2. To list out existing inventories

    shaa> inventory list

    Notice that even though we have created an inventory, it is not listed because it only lists inventories which have been saved.

  3. To unload current inventory

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> inventory unload
  4. To load an existing inventory

    shaa> inventory load my/local
    [inv: my/local]
  5. To save current inventory

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> inventory save
  6. To save current inventory as another name

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> inventory save my/local-dup
  7. To rename current inventory (saves changes internally)

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> inventory rename my/new-local
    [inv: my/new-local]
    shaa> inventory rename my/local
    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> inventory rename my/local
  8. To delete an inventory

    • If an inventory is currently loaded

      [inv: my/local]
      shaa> inventory delete
    • Otherwise

      [inv: my/local]
      shaa> inventory delete my/local-dup

Managing Inventory Node

  1. To add a machine, it is necessary to have an inventory loaded.

    shaa> inventory load my/local
  2. View help page

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> help node create
    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node create --help
  3. Create a node with password authentication

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node create ubuntu-01 root -p P@ssw0rd
  4. Create a node with SSH private key authentication. The keys should be located under ~/.shaa/data/ssh/

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node create ubuntu-02 root -k ubuntu.key
  5. Create a node and put it under a group named webserver. The group would be created if does not exist yet.

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node create rhel-01 root -k rhel.key -g webserver
  6. To list available inventory nodes

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node list
  7. To view detailed information on nodes with name that match given regex pattern

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node info -g webserver rhel-01
    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node info ubuntu.*
  8. To edit data other than the node name.

    • Edit ubuntu-02 node's IP address

      [inv: my/local]
      shaa> node edit ubuntu-02 -i
    • Edit ubuntu-01 node's IP address, username, and switch password authentication to SSH private key

      [inv: my/local]
      shaa> node edit ubuntu-01 -i -p '' -k ubuntu.key
  9. To rename a node

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node rename ubuntu-01 ubuntu-focal-01
  10. To remove an inventory node

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node delete ubuntu-02
    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node delete -g webserver rhel-01
  11. To unset host variables

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> node unset ubuntu-focal-01 var_name

Managing Inventory Group

  1. To create a group

    shaa> group create prod
  2. To list out existing groups

    shaa> group list
  3. To view detailed information on groups with name that match the given regex pattern

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> group info .
  4. To rename a group

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> group rename prod production
  5. To unset group variables

    [inv: my/local]
    shaa> group unset production var_name

Managing Preset

  1. To create a preset, specify the preset type: cis, oscap, sec_tools, util

    shaa> preset cis create part-1
    [cis: part-1]
  2. To list out available presets

    shaa> preset cis list
  3. To unload current preset

    [cis: part-1]
    shaa> preset cis unload
  4. To load an existing preset

    shaa> preset cis load part-1 
    [cis: part-1]
  5. To list out available tasks on a preset

    • CIS preset

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section list
      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section list 3.2
    • Other preset, e.g., oscap

      [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> oscap action list
  6. To enable or disable tasks

    • CIS preset

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section enable 3.5 5.2.5
      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section disable 3.5.1
    • Other preset, e.g., sec_tools

      [sec_tools: example]
      shaa> sec_tools action enable all
      [sec_tools: example]
      shaa> sec_tools action disable all
  7. To list out enabled or disabled sections

    • CIS preset

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section list --status enabled
      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section list --status disabled
    • Other preset, e.g., util

      [util: example]
      shaa> util action list --status enabled
      [util: example]
      shaa> util action list --status disabled
  8. To search sections with matching title

    [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis search ssh
    [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis search --ignore-case ssh
  9. To view a section information on settable variables

    • CIS preset

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis section info 5.2.15
    • Other preset, e.g., oscap

      [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> oscap action info scan
  10. To set or unset a variable value globally

    • CIS preset

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis set -s 5.2.15 sshd_kex_algs ecdh-sha2-nistp521
      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> cis unset -s 5.2.5 sshd_log_level
    • Other preset

      [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> oscap set -a scan scan_profiles level_1_server level_1_workstation
      [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> oscap unset -a scan report_output_prefix
  11. To set or unset a variable value on a node under a certain group

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis set -s 5.2.15 sshd_kex_algs ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -n ubuntu-focal-01
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis set -s 5.2.15 sshd_kex_algs ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -n ubuntu-03 -g production
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis unset -s 5.2.15 sshd_kex_algs -n ubuntu-focal-01
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis unset -s 5.2.15 sshd_kex_algs -n ubuntu-03 -g production
  12. To set or unset a variable value on a certain group

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis set -s 5.2.5 sshd_log_level INFO -g production
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> cis unset -s 5.2.5 sshd_log_level -g production
  13. To save the current CIS preset

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> preset cis save
  14. To save the current CIS preset as another name

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> preset cis save dup-part-1
  15. To rename the current CIS preset (saves changes internally)

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> preset cis rename new-part-1
    [inv: my/local] [cis: new-part-1]
    shaa> preset cis rename part-1
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
  16. To delete a CIS preset

    • If a CIS preset is currently loaded

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> preset cis delete
    • Otherwise

      [cis: part-1]
      shaa> preset cis dup-part-1

Managing Profile

  1. To list out existing profiles

    shaa> profile list
  2. To create a profile

    • No inventory and presets loaded

      shaa> profile create empty
      [pro: empty]
      shaa> profile info
      profile name      :  empty
      inventory         :
      cis               :
      oscap             :
      sec_tools         :
      util              :
    • With inventory or preset loaded

      [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
      shaa> profile create example-1
      [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
      shaa> profile info
      profile name      :  example-1
      inventory         :  my/local
      cis               :  part-1
      oscap             :
      sec_tools         :
      util              :
  3. To unload current profile

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> profile unload
    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
  4. To load an existing profile

    [inv: idk] [cis: idk] [oscap: idk]
    shaa> profile load example-1
    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
  5. To configure profile

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> profile set inventory idk
    [pro: example-1] [inv: idk] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> profile set oscap pre_hardened
    [pro: example-1] [inv: idk] [cis: part-1] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    shaa> profile unset cis
    [pro: example-1] [inv: idk] [*cis: part-1] [oscap: pre_hardened]

    Notice the asterisk * in [*cis: part-1]. This is to indicate that the loaded object differs from the loaded profile configuration

  6. To save current profile

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    shaa> profile save
  7. To save current profile as another name

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    shaa> profile save example-1-dup
  8. To rename current profile (saves changes internally)

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    shaa> profile rename example-2
    [pro: example-2] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    shaa> inventory rename example-1
    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
  9. To delete a profile

    • If a profile is currently loaded

      [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> profile delete
      [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
    • Otherwise

      [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened]
      shaa> profile delete example-1-dup

Running Automation

Result of playbook is logged into a file under ~/.shaa/log with file name in this format: <profile name>-<timestamp>

  1. Run according to currently loaded inventory and presets (-c to enable colorized output)

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> play -c
  2. Run on specific target

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1]
    shaa> play -c --target production ubuntu-focal-01
  3. Run specific presets

    [inv: my/local] [cis: part-1] [oscap: pre_hardened] [sec_tools: idk]
    shaa> play -c -p oscap sec_tools


  1. Unload everything, i.e., profile, inventory, and presets

    [pro: example-1] [inv: my/local] [oscap: pre_hardened] [sec_tools: idk]
    shaa> unload
  2. Clear screen

    shaa> clear
  3. Create alias

    shaa> alias create c clear
    shaa> alias create inv inventory
    shaa> alias create pre preset
    shaa> alias create pro profile
  4. Edit startup script

    shaa> config

    Alternative: edit the file directly on ~/.shaa/shaashrc

  5. Suppress output that starts with [*] or [+]

    shaa> set quiet true
  6. Disable error message red highlight

    shaa> set allow_style never
  7. Run script

    shaa> run_script /path/to/script

Script Examples

  • Example script to initialize inventory

    # file: /tmp/init-inv.shaa
    set quiet true
    inventory delete -f abcdef
    inventory create abcdef
    node create ubuntu-01 vagrant -p vagrant
    node create rhel-01 vagrant -k rhel.key -g prod
    inventory save
  • Example script to run automation

    # file: /tmp/run-example.shaa
    profile load example
    play -c

If shaa-shell is installed locally

$ shaa-shell /tmp/init-inv.shaa

If shaa-shell is run via docker, copy the script to the directory which is mounted to the docker container

# Prepare the directory
mkdir -p ~/.shaa/scripts

# Copy the scripts
cp /tmp/init-inv.shaa ~/.shaa/scripts

# Run the docker container
docker run -it \
    --rm \
    -v ~/.shaa:/home/shaa/.shaa \
    d0ublew/shaa-shell \
    shaa-shell /home/shaa/.shaa/scripts/init-inv.shaa



Managing Inventory Video

Managing inventory demo

Managing CIS Preset Video

Managing CIS preset demo

Managing OSCAP Preset Video

Managing OSCAP preset demo

Managing Profile Video

Managing profile demo

Playing Automation Video

Playing automation demo


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For more information, see LICENSE file in this repository.


If you have any feedback or run into issues, feel free to open an issue on this repository.


Linux System Hardening Automation with Ansible

License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.8%Language:Jinja 1.5%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%