d-k-ivanov / awesomewm-conf

Awesome WM config with widgets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Only for AwesomeVM v4+

Awesome WM config

Thanks to Wei "pw" Peng who enspired me a lot! Look at his awesome-wm-config.

Available widgets

All of mine widgets you could find in ./widgets directory. Each of them have own README file which describes functionality.

  • backlight - widget to control and show brightness level (laptop only)
  • dropbox - simple Dropbox icon to replace original (which QT-based, so it bring some problems)
  • keylock-icons - set of icons to show status of Lock buttons


Additional software should be installed to cover all shortcuts:

Any of those packages are optional!

  • Xserver with extras like setxkbmap, xdg, scrot, arands
  • lxtask and gnome control center
  • alsa + mixer + pulseaudio control
  • xTerm and Terminator
  • SpaceFM and PCmanFM
  • Gnome Commander and Double Commander
  • Dropbox


git clone https://github.com/keepbot/awesomeWM-config.git ~/.config/awesome
Modkey+Control+r to restart awesome


I've created aliases for keyboard buttons, which placed in keycodes.lua. If you want that "Modkey+F1" shows correct keyboard shortcuts you need to make a following change:

vim /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/widget.lua

Find string:

labels = args.labels or {

And replace built-in codes with my, placed in keykodes.lua


You need to create file autostart.lua and add simple startup records like this:

local autostart = require("runonce")

--{{---| Java GUI's fix ---}}---
autostart.run("wmname LG3D")

autostart.run("jetbrains-toolbox --minimize")
--autostart.run("/home/id/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/bin/jetbrains-toolbox --minimize")
-- autostart.run("firefox")
-- autostart.run("google-chrome-stable")
autostart.run("shutter --min_at_startup")
autostart.run("remmina -i")
autostart.run("xscreensaver -no-splash")


In rules.lua some rules are defined. You need to redefine them for your needs or remove.


-- xprop - X tool to get window properties
-- Rules to apply to new clients (through the "manage" signal).
awful.rules.rules = {
  -- All clients will match this rule. Drop off maximized mode. Hack for release maximised windows.
  { rule = {}, callback = function(c) c.maximized, c.maximized_vertical, c.maximized_horizontal = false, false, false end},
  -- All clients in this rule will get floatig propertie
  { rule = { },
    properties = { border_width   = beautiful.border_width,
                   border_color   = beautiful.border_normal,
                   focus          = awful.client.focus.filter,
                   raise          = true,
                   keys           = clientkeys,
                   buttons        = clientbuttons,
                   placement      = awful.placement.no_overlap+awful.placement.no_offscreen   }},
  { rule_any   = { instance       =   { "DTA", "copyq", },
                   class          =   { "Arandr", "Gpick", "Kruler", "MessageWin", "TeamViewer","Sxiv", "Wpa_gui", "pinentry",
                                        "veromix", "xtightvncviewer", "Xscreensaver-demo", "Lxtask", "Speedcrunch", "Gnome-calculator",
                                        "Gnome-alsamixer", "Gimp", "Spacefm", "Pcmanfm", "Gmrun", "Usbview", "Wine", "Gtklp", "VirtualBox",
                                        "XCalc", "Vncviewer", "Pavucontrol", "Cheese", "HP Device Manager - Setup"},
                   name           =   { "Event Tester" },
                   role           =   { "AlarmWindow", "pop-up", }},
                   properties     =   { floating = true                                         }},
  { rule = { class = "vlc"                },  properties = { floating = true                    }},
  { rule = { class = "Shutter"            },  properties = { floating = true                    }},
  { rule = { class = "Sublime"            },  properties = { tag = "IDE"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "subl3"              },  properties = { tag = "IDE"                        }},
  --{ rule = { class = "Firefox"          },  properties = { screen = 1, tag = "Web"            }},
  --{ rule = { class = "chromium"         },  properties = { screen = 1, tag = "Web"            }},
  { rule = { class = "Firefox"            },  properties = { tag = "Web"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "chromium"           },  properties = { tag = "Web"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Google-chrome"      },  properties = { tag = "Web"                        }},
  --{ rule = { class = "Gnome-commander"  },  properties = { screen = 1, tag = "Files"          }},
  --{ rule = { class = "Doublecmd"        },  properties = { screen = 1, tag = "Files"          }},
  { rule = { class = "Thunderbird"        },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Geary"              },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "skype"              },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Org.gnome.Polari"   },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Empathy"            },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Pidgin"             },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "yakyak"             },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "TelegramDesktop"    },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }},
  { rule = { class = "Slack"              },  properties = { tag = "MSG"                        }}
  --{ rule = { class = "Pac"              },  properties = { screen = 1, tag = "PAC"            }},
  --{ rule = { class = "libreoffice"        },  properties = { tag = "Work"                       }}
  --{ rule = { class = "SWT"                },  properties = { tag = "Work"                       }}
  --{ rule = { class = "Gimp"               },  properties = { floating = true                    }}


I've desided to stay with only one theme which fits my need/



There are old themes also existed in directory theme/old

To change theme you need to change theme name and main colour in theme.lua

I created following themes:

  • Blue - 'blue'
  • Gray - 'gray'
  • Green - 'green'
  • Purple - 'purple'
  • Red - 'red'
  • Yellow - 'yellow'
  • Zen - 'zen'

Screenshot of purple:



To configure keyboard layout you neet to make apropriate changes in whdgets.lua Defaut layout: US and RU And key combination: Alt+Space (Which can be defined in bindings.lua, but this is the best I could think of)


Awesome WM config with widgets

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 97.4%Language:Shell 2.4%Language:Awk 0.2%