Results of other version of libraries
windows7897 opened this issue · comments
Thank you for the open source code.
I reproduce your model with the same libraries with other version
torch 1.13.0
torch-cluster 1.6.0+pt113cu116
torch-geometric 2.2.0
torch-scatter 2.1.0+pt113cu116
torch-sparse 0.6.16+pt113cu116
torch-spline-conv 1.2.1+pt113cu116
torchmetrics 0.11.4
torchvision 0.14.0
from my case, i get flowing results
F1 Recall Precision
SWAT 0.778047 0.643728 0.982768
WADI 0.461867 0.349515 0.682105
There is huge deviation at WADI dataset
I can't doubt any cause except library version
I want to make up the environment with your same case
pytorch-geometric can't be installed on pytorch version 1.5.1 now
so would you check your model performance at recent version of libraries?
Sorry for the late reply. It might be a bit troublesome to adapt the codes with recent version of libraries as there seems changes in some API or implementations in the updated libraries. As for the performance, could you check if the data is processed like It could also probably affect the result. Thanks.
Thank you for your reply
My data have been preprocessed by your code
Could you share your environment by Docker images?