czxttkl / ValidateHSRDecisionTree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



java -jar hsr.jar <n> <k> <q> {<-s "json_string"> | <-f json_file_path_name>}
  • n: rungs
  • k: jars
  • q: questions
  • -s "json_string": input your json string manually
  • -f json_file_path_name: import your json string from a file


java -jar hsr.jar 9 3 4 -s {"rung":4,"breakNode":{"rung":2,"breakNode":{"rung":1,"breakNode":{"h":0},"surviveNode":{"h":1}},"surviveNode":{"rung":3,"breakNode":{"h":2},"surviveNode":{"h":3}}},"surviveNode":{"rung":6,"breakNode":{"rung":5,"breakNode":{"h":4},"surviveNode":{"h":5}},"surviveNode":{"rung":7,"breakNode":{"h":6},"surviveNode":{"rung":8,"breakNode":{"h":7},"surviveNode":{"h":8}}}}}


java -jar hsr.jar 9 3 4 -f test.json

HSR Reference

JSON Notation Norms

HSRTree class has 3 attributes:

  • rung: The current rung where a jar is to be dropped
  • breakNode: The subtree if the jar breaks after falling from the current rung
  • surviveNode: The subtree if the jar survives after falling from the current rung

Leaf class has 1 attribute:

  • h: The highest rung keeping jars from breaking


  "rung": 4,
  "breakNode": {
    "rung": 2,
    "breakNode": {
      "rung": 1,
      "breakNode": {
        "h": 0
      "surviveNode": {
        "h": 1
    "surviveNode": {
      "rung": 3,
      "breakNode": {
        "h": 2
      "surviveNode": {
        "h": 3
  "surviveNode": {
    "rung": 6,
    "breakNode": {
      "rung": 5,
      "breakNode": {
        "h": 4
      "surviveNode": {
        "h": 5
    "surviveNode": {
      "rung": 7,
      "breakNode": {
        "h": 6
      "surviveNode": {
        "rung": 8,
        "breakNode": {
          "h": 7
        "surviveNode": {
          "h": 8


A decision tree in DT for HSR(n,k,q) must satisfy the following properties:

  • the BST (Binary Search Tree Property): For any left subtree: the root is one larger than the largest node in the subtree and for any right subtree the root is equal to the smallest (i.e., leftmost) node in the subtree.

  • there are at most k yes from the root to any leaf.

  • the longest root-leaf path has q edges.

  • each rung 1..n-1 appears exactly once as an internal node of the tree. (Definition of internal node: a node in a decision tree that is not a leaf.)

  • each rung 0..n-1 appears exactly once as a leaf.



Language:Java 100.0%