czukowski / I18n_Plural

I18n module for grammatically correct plural inflections, and maybe even some extra features related to i18n.

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Broken in KO 3.1rc2

agentphoenix opened this issue · comments

The KO 3.1 release seems to have broken this.

At first, I thought I was going crazy, but I can set this up just fine in 3.0.9 and it works as expected. The exact same code in 3.1rc2 doesn't work. I'll start digging in to this and seeing if I can't figure out what's going on, but I thought you should know so you can work on some kind of fix for the 3.1 release.

It looks like, for whatever reason, KO is using the system version of the I18n class instead of using the class I created that extends I18n_Core (as instructed in the installation section). I'm not seeing any reason why though.

This is because Kohana 3.1 bootstrap.php calls I18n::lang() before modules are loaded and you have class I18n extends I18n_Core, which cannot be found at that point. You need to move I18n::lang() somewhere after that.

As this isn't immediately obvious, I think I'll add that info to readme...

Ahh, that'd do it. Thanks for finding that because there's no way it would've dawned on me to look in the index page.