cytopia / ffscreencast

ffscreencast - ffmpeg screencast/desktop-recording with video overlay and multi monitor support

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[Feature] gif output option

dimitrieh opened this issue · comments

It would be incredible to have this be able to output gifs! :)

Output options:
-e<ext>           Output video format extension (Default: mkv)
                  E.g.: -emkv, or -eavi, or -emp4, or -gif

some interesting links:

I was already also thinking about creating a preset for gif output. The problem however is, that the quality might not be as good as expected.

If you record your screen with a very good quality first and then convert it to a gif, you can get much better quality out of this.

The main reason for doing the second on is, that you can create your gif in a 2-pass encoding. The first pass will extract the color palette used and then the second pass will apply that color palette to the actual encoding.

I have included such a converter in my thunar-custom-actions repository ( This script can be used with a gui (zenity required) or purely on the command-line (specify with -c).

Hi nice to know you're thinking on this. Wouldn't it be possible to save it as vid first, with an optional/additional/replacement conversion to gif.

So output would first be only a video file, but the command is not immidiately done, as it converts after to gif, with maybe deleting the original vid file.

I could implement some sort of post-processing options with predefined presets for example for:

  • gif
  • iphone/android
  • telegram
  • etc.

So it could convert it afterwards.
Deletion of the original video is better left to the user him/herself :-)

Would be perfect:) also output options for amount frames/quality/resolution
would be great^^ _acting spoiled_😂

Op do 19 mei 2016 22:36 schreef cytopia

I could implement some sort of post-processing options with predefined
presets for example for:

  • gif
  • iphone/android
  • telegram
  • etc.

So it could convert it afterwards.
Deletion of the original video is better left to the user him/herself :-)

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#9 (comment)

Dimitrie Hoekstra, UI & Interaction Designer | | LinkedIn | Twitter

I added some scripts which now reside contrib folder that will do the post conversion afterwards. Done in #19