cyrildiagne / ofxKinectForWindows2

Implementation of Kinect For Windows v2 API (not using KinectCommonBridge)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Implementation of Kinect For Windows v2 API using COM (not KinectCommonBridge)


Currently lets you:

  • Grab all the image streams (color, depth, IR, long exposure IR, body index)
  • Generate an ofMesh (point cloud or stitched mesh) with texture coordinates

Currently doesn't support:

  • Ground plane detection
  • Audio
  • Body tracking (skeleton tracking)
  • Expose remapping functions


MIT License


  1. Add the ofxKinectForWindows2Lib.vcxproj to your solution
  2. In Property Manager, right click on your project to select Add Existing Property Sheet... and select the ofxKinectForWindows2.props file


  1. The depth image comes in as RAW (i'm not rescaling it), so it may appear dark. Look closely :)
  2. This addon does not ship with any libraries, it'll look locally on your system for them (and hence should work with VS2012, VS2013, etc)
  3. You'll need to get a copy of the Kinect v2 SDK (i'm testing with v1404 April release)


Implementation of Kinect For Windows v2 API (not using KinectCommonBridge)


Language:C++ 100.0%