cyrildiagne / ofxEmbree

a photo-realistic ray tracing addon for openFrameworks (using Intel Embree engine)

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fails to compile on xcode 4.2

kylemcdonald opened this issue · comments

gcc throws a bunch of errors, and llvm throws one error:

sseb.h line 112:

    return _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, _MM_SHUFFLE(i3, i2, i1, i0));

Ambiguous conversion for C-style cast from 'const embree::sseb' to '__v4si'

it's in reference to this macro:

emmintrin.h line 1218:

#define _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, imm) \
  ((__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)(a), (__v4si) _mm_set1_epi32(0), \
                                    (imm) & 0x3, ((imm) & 0xc) >> 2, \
                                    ((imm) & 0x30) >> 4, ((imm) & 0xc0) >> 6))

Hi Kyle,

Thanks for reporting this issue.
I will try to track it down tomorrow on a Snow Leopard machine I have at work. I don't think there is any way to install xcode 4.2 on Lion is there ?
What versions of llvm and gcc are shipped with xcode 4.2 ?

hey kikko, xcode 4.2 runs gcc 4.2 (just by coincidence).

but it seems like gcc has a lot of errors, and maybe it's better to just figure out what the one llvm error is. llvm is version 3.0 in xcode 4.2

Hi Kyle,
Thanks for the feedback. I have not been able to get my hands on the 10.6 machine yet, but I'll make sure to fix this as soon as I do.