cypress-io / netlify-plugin-cypress

Runs Cypress end-to-end tests after Netlify builds the site but before it is deployed

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Debug output enabled by default?

einSelbst opened this issue · comments


  • What is this plugin's version?
    -> 2.1.0
  • What is Cypress version?
    -> 6.8.0
  • What Netlify build image are you using? This setting is available under "Deploy settings / Build image selection". Probably either "Ubuntu Trusty 14.04" or "Ubuntu Xenial 16.04"
    -> 16.04
  • What is the Node version if you know it?
    -> 14.16.0
  • What is the NPM version if you know it?
    -> 6.14.11

Describe the bug
I have only 3 tests but see a lot of log lines from the cypress netlify plugin, like more than 8000 lines, and some of them are very long. It seems that it prints all the log and debug messages even tough my config looks like this:

command = "npm run build"
publish = ".next"

  CI = "1"
  # cache Cypress binary in local "node_modules" folder
  # so Netlify caches it
  # CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER = "./node_modules/CypressBinary"
  # set TERM variable for terminal output
  TERM = "xterm"

NODE_ENV = "production"

NODE_ENV = "production"

package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs"

package = "netlify-plugin-cache-nextjs"

# runs Cypress tests against the deployed URL
package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"

  record = true
  spec = "cypress/integration/smoke/*.js"

Not sure if I can make my netlify build logs viewable somehow. Will attach log print.

I see the debugging output enabled, almost like you have a build environment variable DEBUG: *, but it is not this plugin doing it. I don't see such output in any example project, for example shows the normal plain output with v2.1.0

ok, thanks @bahmutov . I try to figure it out and update here.

So it has almost certainly to do with the lighthouse netlify plugin. If I remove it the output looks just fine. Will close this issue and thanks for all the great tools you make!