cypress-io / code-coverage

Saves the code coverage collected during Cypress tests

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Loading 'nyc' config broken with Cypress 10.x

jhpedemonte opened this issue · comments

Logs and screenshots


  • What is this plugin's version? latest
  • If the plugin worked before in version X, but stopped after upgrading to version Y, please try the released versions between X and Y to see where the breaking change was.
  • What is Cypress version? 10.4.0
  • What is your operating system? MacOS 12.5
  • What is the shell? bash
  • What is the Node version? 16.3.1
  • What is the NPM version? 8.3.2
  • How do you instrument your application? @cypress/instrument-cra
  • When running tests, if you open the web application in regular browser, and open DevTools, do you see window.__coverage__ object? Yes
  • Is there .nyc_output folder? Is there .nyc_output/out.json file. Is it empty? Can you paste at least part of it so we can see the keys and file paths?
  • Do you have any custom NYC settings in package.json (nyc object) or in other NYC config files. Yes, in package.json
  • Do you run Cypress tests in a Docker container? Yes, but issue is also seen locally, outside of Docker container

Describe the bug

This plugin no longer reads the 'nyc' config inside of {project root}/package.json. This appears to be due to changes in Cypress 10.0: now, the Cypress config file is loaded in a child process with cwd set to the parent dir of the config file, rather than the project root. That means that this code in this plugin will try to load {cypress config dir}/package.json (which doesn't exist for me and probably many others) instead of the on at project root, like with Cypress 9.x.

cypress-io/cypress#22689 has a few more details, including reproduction repo.

Link to the repo
See cypress-io/cypress#22689

Looks like plugin could be updated to use config.projectRoot instead of process.cwd().

Before the upstream issue is resolved I don't think anything should be done to @cypress/code-coverage codebase.

As work-around you should be able to place a .nycrc next to cypress.config.ts and configure everything there, e.g.

└── config
   └── cypress
      ├── .nycrc
      ├── component-index.html
      ├── cypress-support.ts
      └── cypress.config.ts

Here's how I'm generating coverage results into project root, config/cypress/.nycrc:

    "report-dir": "../../test-results/cypress/coverage",
    "temp-dir": "../../test-results/.nyc_output"
"cypress run --component --config-file config/cypress/cypress.config.ts"

Agreed, need someone from Cypress to chime in. In the meantime, I have a different workaround I'm currently using, which mimics the previous (9.x) behavior: cypress-io/cypress#22689 (comment)

Can you also load nyc.config.cjs?

The workaround for creating a .nycrc in the root directory seems to be working for me, although it seems to be partially working. check-coverage: true seems to be picked up by Cypress, but the all: true option isn't working for me (I'm trying to get coverage for source files that aren't loaded during tests).

Not sure if this is the same issue, where it doesn't see the all option, or if the all option isn't working with my setup / Cypress.

This is my .nycrc file:

    "all": true,
    "extends": "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript",
    "check-coverage": true