cyberark / kubeletctl

A client for kubelet

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Scan RCE not working as intended

frankvoelker opened this issue · comments


kubeletctl scan rce -s SERVER is not showing "+" on RCE column even though I can RCE

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Setup microk8s cluster for testing
  2. allow anonymous Kubelet API access
  3. try to access https://SERVER:10250/pods to check for pods-json
  4. if you are allowed to see pods-json try to scan kubeletctl scan rce -s SERVER
  5. also check if you can execute commands

Expected Results

if I am allowed to kubeletctl exec "ls /" -c CONTAINER -p POD -s SERVER I should see a + in the "scan RCE" list

Actual Results

I have only "-" signs on kubeletctl scan rce -s SERVER but I can execute code

│                                    Node with pods vulnerable to RCE                                   │
│   │ NODE IP   │ PODS                                    │ NAMESPACE   │ CONTAINERS              │ RCE │
│   │           │                                         │             │                         │ RUN │
│ 1 │ │ website-k8s-675dd9956d-qj58f            │ default     │ website-k8s             │ -   │

shows "-" on RCE column, but if I try to execute code I can do:

└─# kubeletctl exec "ls /" -p website-k8s-675dd9956d-qj58f -c website-k8s -s
bin   dev  home  lib64  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   media  opt  root  sbin  sys  usr

I also saw in source code that there is POST request to check manually and this is my output:

└─# curl -k -XPOST -d "cmd=ls /"
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to exec in container: failed to start exec "2766ae987637b8f679d7f68cbe02868c5dad0af36a08e8ed961825a274ac444d": OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown       


  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Non-Reproducible

Version/Tag number

Version 1.11

Environment setup

  • Running in self-hosted Linux (Debian) VirtualBox and installed MicroK8S
  • Which cloud provider? Which container orchestrator (including version)?

Thank you, we will check it.

We found the problem and fixed it. It will be updated in the next release.
For now, you can clone the current repository and build it.