cyberark / KubiScan

A tool to scan Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add "nodes/proxy" as a risky permission

christophetd opened this issue · comments


nodes/proxy permission allow an attacker to proxy Kubelet requests through any node, compromising the whole cluster. See

It would be great to add it to the list of dangerous permissions!

Hi, thanks for the suggestion :)
I added it like that:

# Risk: Privilege Escalation from Node/Proxy
# Verb: get, create
# Resources: nodes/proxy

- kind: Role
    namespace: default
    name: risky-execute-command-node-proxy
    priority: HIGH
  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["nodes/proxy"]
    verbs: ["get", "create"]

If some rule have these two verbs get and create on nodes/proxy, it will assign it as risky.
I wonder maybe I should also add, as a low priority, risky rule with only get, maybe I will add it in the future.

Nice! Yeah get on nodes/proxy as a low risk would make sense to me. It does allow things like pulling pod lists via the Kubelet API bypassing auditing but it's not (AFAIK) too serious