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Help with Sdk Escl network scanner

bernhard-bernan opened this issue · comments

Sorry for bothering, but would it be possible to get some help with Escl client ?
I have implemented twine driver and it works fine, but when it comes to network scanners and ESCL i cant seem to get it to work. Cant understand if im missing nuget package or do i need extra configuration for ScanningContext. Right now im just trying to get the network scanners to show in the list of available devices. My code snippet is as follows:

 public class ScannerManager { 

    private readonly ScanController _scanController;

    private readonly ScanController _scanNetworkController;

    public ScannerManager()
        var scanningContext = new ScanningContext(new ImageSharpImageContext());
        _scanController = new ScanController(scanningContext);

        var networkScanningContext = new ScanningContext(new ImageSharpImageContext());
        _scanNetworkController = new ScanController(networkScanningContext);

    public async Task<List<ScannerInfo>> GetLocalScannerInfoAsync()
        return await GetScannerInfo(Driver.Twain);

    public async Task<List<ScannerInfo>> GetNetworkScannerInfoAsync()
        return await GetScannerInfo(Driver.Escl);
    private async Task<List<ScannerInfo>> GetScannerInfo(Driver driver)
        List<ScanDevice> devices;
        List<ScannerInfo> scannerInfoList = new();
        if (driver == Driver.Escl)
            devices = await _scanNetworkController.GetDevices(driver).ToListAsync();
            devices = await _scanController.GetDevices(driver).ToListAsync();

        foreach (var device in devices)
                Name = device.Name,
                DeviceId = device.ID

        return scannerInfoList;

For now i have separated them in two if else blocks, just for testing purposes.
Also i have following NAPS2 dependencies for version 0.2.1:

Would be really grateful if you could give me some info on what am i missing, because when i try with your NAPS2 desktop app it finds the scanner, but when im trying this example it doesnt work.

Can you try with the latest SDK version (0.6.0)?

Also, this doesn't matter, but you don't need a separate ScanController/ScanningContext for each driver, you can use the same for both.

If 0.6.0 doesn't work, try setting up logging:
scanningContext.Logger = new ConsoleLogger();

public class ConsoleLogger : ILogger
    public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)
        if (exception != null) Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString());
    public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) => true;
    public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state) where TState : notnull => throw new NotImplementedException();

Okay thank you for fast response will try it. Also thanks for pointing out about ScanController i separated ScanController just because i thought win32worker maybe affects it.

Thank you for support, yes updating to 0.6.0 fixed it, retrieval works fine now =)

Also checked scanning all seems fine, thank you. Closing issue.