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Illegible notifications

LinuxOnTheDesktop opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The program gives almost totally illegible notifications. Once I took a screenshot and magnified the notifications, I could read them - and I discovered that one of the notifications was missing some word(s).

To Reproduce

  1. Run the program, when some notification will be shown.
  2. See some notification(s).
  3. Try to read the notification(s).

Expected behavior
Legibility. No words missing.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro - 22H2 (2009: 19045). Theme settings:

  • Version [of naps2, you mean]:

Additional context
I see from the Github releases page that version 7.2.2 fixes some bugs. Yet, the lack of a change log (and me not being a git wizard) prevents me from seeing whether the problem that I report is fixed by that version. (I installed the update, but having done so there were no notifications showing.)

This looks like a duplicate of #225 and should be fixed in 7.2.2

should be fixed in 7.2.2[.]

Good stuff. Does the fix include a fix for the missing word, though? Also: wouldn't it be a good idea to provide changelogs?

I should have a fix for the missing word in the next version (coming in the next few days). I do have changelogs for new features etc. but tracking every single bug fix is too much overhead for me.