cxa / MenuItemKit

UIMenuItem with image and closure(block) action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature: Add the capacity to filter actions

llfbandit opened this issue · comments

The library works great but, currently we're unable to filter the actions.

In my case, I pop the menu on an UITextView and filter the available actions in target event.
Since, the selector names are generated with prefix and UUID string, we can't make matches on the selectors.

For now, as a workaround, I integrated the lib in the project and added this method:
@objc(mik_initWithTitle:image:selectorName:action:) convenience init(title: String, image: UIImage?, selectorName: String, action: @escaping MenuItemAction) { let title = image != nil ? title + imageItemIdetifier : title self.init(title: title, action: Selector(selectorName)) imageBox.value = image actionBox.value = action }

This is related to #16 and should be temporarily fixed by allowing creating MenuItemAction with images and passing a selector instead of a escaping function.

The new 3.1.0 provide options to filter, See AutoPopupMenuContorllerDemo for detail.