cvlab-columbia / zero123

Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object (ICCV 2023)

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Training data "T" condition

RickyYXY opened this issue · comments

I find that in your evaluation code, you add T as a condition by
T = T[None, None, :].repeat(n_samples, 1, 1).to(c.device)
c =[c, T], dim=-1)
But in your training code, I can't find where you add the T condition.
In zero123/ldm/models/diffusion/, function get_input in class LatentDiffusion,
the variant T has never been used since
T = T[:bs].to(self.device),
which means the training cannot get any pose condition at all.
Is this a bug? Do you forget to add T condition here?

I find the variant T, sorry to interupt