cviebrock / image-validator

Laravel validator rules for image dimensions - Deprecated; see:

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Illegal string offset 'image_size' error after installation

Ardakilic opened this issue · comments


Firstly, thanks for the plugin! it's much appreciated!

I have an issue, I hope you can help me:

My Laravel version is 4.1.24
arda@arda-pc ~/web/mywork $ php artisan --version Laravel Framework version 4.1.24

This is my PHP Version (using Linux Mint 16 x64):
PHP 5.5.3-1ubuntu2.2 (cli) (built: Feb 28 2014 20:06:05) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.3-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2013, by Zend Technologies

After installation, when I add the service provider in app/config/app.php, I get an error like this:

Illegal string offset 'image_size'
File: /home/arda/web/mywork/vendor/cviebrock/image-validator/src/Cviebrock/ImageValidator/ImageValidatorServiceProvider.php

Error is showing this method on Whoops:

protected function extendValidator($rule) { $method = studly_case($rule); $translation = $this->app['translator']->get('image-validator::validation'); $this->app['validator']->extend($rule, 'Cviebrock\ImageValidator\ImageValidator@validate' . $method, $translation[$rule]); $this->app['validator']->replacer($rule, 'Cviebrock\ImageValidator\ImageValidator@replace' . $method ); }

How can I fix this?

Edit: I've found a temporary fix, by adding a tr/validation.php (my language setting is tr) into your src folder, I've tried adding them to my app/lang/tr/validation.php but that didn't work.

Is there a proper workaround?


Did your pull request solve the issue, or do I need to look at the validator code some more?

@cviebrock My pull request solved the issue on my end indeed, but I guess this should be mentioned somewhere on for the people using other foreign languages. Because both artisan and routes starts to throw errors unless a language file is added.

I would recommend a different approach (the Laravel approach):

Put your custom validation.php (if you're using a language that is not en) into the folder

So in my case that'd be

I still have this issue on my side ;)

Edit: No errors anymore when adding 'fallback_locale' => 'en' to app/config/app.php.

I think this has sorted itself out now, so closing.

If you have a locale as es-ES or es-US don't work. You need something more flexible for the languages file. My fallback_locale can't be 'en', it is 'es-US'.

I try to put the validation file several ways in lang folder but without success!

The package is perfect, and I need it!! ;)

@dhardtke was wrong. the good route to save the language file in your lang folders are:

Now is more flexible :)