cvbarros / terraform-provider-teamcity

Terraform Provider for Jetbrains TeamCity CI server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failing to locate trigger on update/delete operations

nrccua-grante opened this issue · comments

First, thank you very much for building this provider.

Was able to create a project with associated resources just fine, however, hit an error on the next apply. This kills the apply and is a blocker for us.
The Error is:
Error: 404 Not Found - Trigger (id: RQ_40) for buildTypeId (id: LambdaFunctions_MyLambdaMyLambdaDevO) was not found

Have a suspicion this may be due to our Team City version being very old (we're on a version from 2016), confirmation of this would help my upgrade case.

Currently testing a workaround where we don't deploy the vcs trigger via terraform.

our terraforms for this project:

data "teamcity_project" "lambda_root" {
  provider = "teamcity"
  name     = "Lambda Functions"

# step 2, build the project for this lambda,
resource "teamcity_project" "my_lambda_project" {
  provider    = "teamcity"
  name        = "My Lambda"
  parent_id   =
  description = "Parent Project for the My Lambda Lambdas"

# Step 3, get the credentials for the CI automation role for the environment.
data "aws_ssm_parameter" "ci_access_key" {
  provider = ""
  name     = "/something/secrets/env/shared_secrets/"

data "aws_ssm_parameter" "ci_secret_key" {
  provider = ""
  name     = "/something/secrets/env/shared_secrets/"

# step 4, setup the project for this lambda integration
# note some these values need hardcoded, since we can't deploy the lambda without the deployment artifact and we can't build that without teamcity.  catch 22.
resource "teamcity_project" "my_lambda_lambda" {
  provider    = "teamcity"
  name        = "My Lambda Lambda - Dev"
  parent_id   =
  description = "My Lambda Lambda - Dev"

  env_params = {
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID     = data.aws_ssm_parameter.ci_access_key.value
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = data.aws_ssm_parameter.ci_secret_key.value
    AWS_DEFAULT_REGION    = "us-east-1"
    ENVIRONMENT           = "dev"
    PRODUCT               = "blah"
    FUNCTION_NAME         = "my_lambda"
    ROLE                  = "tf-my_lambda-dev-execute"

#step 5, setup version control integration.
#5a - setup the git stuff here, we re-use later
locals {
  url_root = ""
  branch   = "development"
# 5b - setup the git branch for this project
resource "teamcity_vcs_root_git" "vcs_integration" {
  provider   = "teamcity"
  name       = "${local.url_root}#refs/heads/${local.branch}" #vcs_root_name
  project_id =

  fetch_url               = local.url_root
  push_url                = local.url_root
  default_branch          = "refs/heads/${local.branch}"
  enable_branch_spec_tags = false
  username_style          = "userid"
  submodule_checkout      = "checkout"

  // Configure agent settings
  agent {
    git_path           = "/usr/bin/git"
    clean_policy       = "branch_change"
    clean_files_policy = "untracked"
    use_mirrors        = true

  // credentials for TeamCity to access git
  auth {
    type     = "userpass"
    username = "blah-ci-automation"
    password = data.aws_ssm_parameter.git_ci_automation.value

# step 6 - build steps
resource "teamcity_build_config" "teamcity_build" {
  provider = "teamcity"
  # project ID in this context is the environment specific project for this lambda
  project_id = "${}"
  name       = "${local.product}-${local.service}-${local.environment}-TC-Build"

  vcs_root {
    id             =
    checkout_rules = ["+:*"]

  settings {
    #Type of build configuration: "REGULAR" (default), "COMPOSITE" or "DEPLOYMENT"
    configuration_type = "REGULAR"

    #The format may include '%build.counter%' as a placeholder for the build counter value, for example, 1.%build.counter%.
    #It may also contain a reference to any other available parameter, for example, %build.vcs.number.VCSRootName%.
    #Note: The maximum length of a build number after all substitutions is 256 characters.
    build_number_format = "%build.counter%"

    #Positive int
    build_counter = 1

    #Set to false to disable personal builds. Default: true
    allow_personal_builds = true

    #Paths in the form of [+:]source [ => target] to include and -:source [ => target] to exclude files or directories to publish as build artifacts.
    artifact_paths = []

    #Enable hanging builds detection. Default: true
    detect_hanging = true

    #Enable build status to be queried externally. Default: false
    status_widget = false

    #Int 0->unlimited. Defaults to '0', which means unlimited.
    concurrent_limit = 2

  # for simple not paramaterized stuff, inline is fine, for heavy code or code with params, use a file.
  # the order of these determines the order of operations in the build
  step {
    name = "NPM Install"
    type = "cmd_line"
    code = file("${path.module}/teamcity_build_scripts/")

  step {
    name = "Zipper"
    type = "cmd_line"
    code = file("${path.module}/teamcity_build_scripts/")

  step {
    name = "Deployment"
    type = "cmd_line"
    code = file("${path.module}/teamcity_build_scripts/")

  step {
    name = "Cleanup"
    type = "cmd_line"
    code = file("${path.module}/teamcity_build_scripts/")

resource "teamcity_build_trigger_vcs" "teamcity_vcs_trigger" {
  build_config_id =
  rules = ["+:."]
  branch_filter = ["development"]

resource "teamcity_agent_requirement" "agents" {
  provider        = "teamcity"
  build_config_id = "${}"
  condition       = "contains"
  name            = ""
  value           = "MY_AGENT"

Hi @nrccua-grante , given my limited bandwidth it is impractical to support several (specially older) versions of TeamCity.
The minimum version when I've started developing the client API library was 2007.1.
Keeping the provider and the underlying library backwards compatible to previous versions would be an overhead that I can't commit to.

@nrccua-grante Do you have the exact version of the TeamCity this is happening? If there's a docker image for it, we may be able to reproduce.

Otherwise, I'll close this issue due to inactivity, thanks!

Closing as stale / no response.