custom-cards / secondaryinfo-entity-row

Custom entity row for HomeAssistant, providing additional types of data to be displayed in the secondary info area of the Lovelace Entities card

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cardTools.litElement(), cardTools.litHtml(), cardTools.hass() are deprecated

bieniu opened this issue · comments

I have this warnings in console:

One or more of your lovelace plugins are using the functions cardTools.litElement(), cardTools.litHtml() or cardTools.hass(). Those are replaced with better alternatives and will be removed a some point in the future.
deprecationWarning @ card-tools.js:14
litElement @ card-tools.js:25
customElements.whenDefined.then @ secondaryinfo-entity-row.js:3
Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ secondaryinfo-entity-row.js:1


Fixed in 0.3.1. Thank you!