cusspvz / node.docker

:globe_with_meridians: Super small Node.js container (~15MB) based on Alpine Linux OS

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[question] Problem with node-sass dep

efernandesng opened this issue · comments


Alpine Linux is not supported by node-sass sass/node-sass#1589 :(

You known some simple workaround to mitigate the problem?

FROM cusspvz/node:5.1.1

  apk update && \
  apk add $BUILD_APKS && \
  npm install node-sass && \
  apk del $BUILD_APKS

I've built a Dockerfile to test it out and it installed without problems. I think the reason why it works is because my image includes the glibc packages, which aren't included on alpine repos by default. :)



captura de ecra 2016-09-26 as 22 32 34

Please re-open in case it won't work for you!
Thanks for using node.docker! :)