cursusdb / cursusdb

CursusDB is an open-source distributed in-memory yet persisted document oriented database system with real time capabilities.

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r̶e̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶n̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶t̶

7c opened this issue · comments



$ ./cursus
2023/12/23 23:04:33 [INFO] ConnectToNodes(): Node connection established to 45.xx.135.89:7682
2023/12/23 23:04:33 [INFO] ConnectToNodes(): Node connection established to
2023/12/23 23:04:42 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(select * from users;)
2023/12/23 23:07:10 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(select * from users;)

all works.... if node1 is restarted, we can continue with node2 because it is replicated.. But if node2 is restarted.. cursus does not really notify this.. Based on the logs, it does not even notify (at least at the console) that the connection has quit/timedout. So it also does not try to keep connecting.. This results:


curush to wait indefinetly. Did i do something wrong maybe?

This is great approach. Thanks for this nice work.

Ah I see. So yeah curush should essentially reconnect to the lost node, that is all. Amazing find!! I am working on this now for v1.8.1 patch.

CursusDB Cluster & Node Bundle v1.8.1 STABLE

🛠️ Fixes 🛠️

  • Stall on select when 1 node or node replica is lost.
    🔥New features 🔥
  • LostReconnect() method implemented. Tries to reconnect to any lost node or node replica automatically.



Thanks for quick reaction:


here is something new, i pulled latest version and compiled. I have a node<>cursus on 1 host and a node2 which is on different datacenter.... I resetted the .cdat* files to give it a new start. As you see on the screenshot there are 2 issues. I am connecting with curush from local>local and remote>node1 both are the same result. Insert results success but select does not return anything. I checked for the .cdat file:...


as you see the .cdat file is not created for some reason on node1 which has cursus. Then i interrupted:

^C2023/12/24 12:35:49 [INFO] Received signal interrupt starting database shutdown.
2023/12/24 12:35:49 [INFO] Starting to write node data to file.
2023/12/24 12:35:49 [INFO] WriteToFile(): Node data written to file successfully.

after restaring curode at node1 the data was lost. then reconnected from curush and tried the same with insert/select - same.

The issue with "109 No available nodes to insert into." is persistent, yesterday with previous version i got like 33% of my inserts this error. On datacenter-across-replication this looks consistent.

thanks for your nice work again.

Hey @7c after many versions I believe I've covered this I think you pulled the latest version whilst there was unknown issues that I've further tested, identified and fixed. There was logic corrects in regards to the node replica syncing and insertion selection of nodes.

Ah also make sure the basics, like the service is running I saw on your pictures, I had that happen on a setup recently. I forgot to start the node after stopping it thus leading to null results on the select as I only had 1 node no replicas.

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-35-50

node on port 7682 curodeconfig
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-36-35

Cluster logs on start
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-37-15

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-38-14

Shutdown node and rely on replica
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-39-05

I show a before query and after as you can see the replica is working as intended after first sync:
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-39-32

insert and relying on node 2 mind you cursus will choose a random node but now will check if its ok before comiting to it.
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-40-27

Mind you for these examples I have the CursusDB cluster set with 'join-responses'.


@7c also thank you for testing anything, I really appreciate you. I truly do. Happy holidays by the way! My goal was for v2.0.0 to be the LTR long term release which will be all kinds of stable. At v1.9.6 now and well, It's working as intended! Very exciting.

Ah also if no nodes only replicas(if their are replicas) are available you will see this now 🗡️
Screenshot from 2023-12-25 07-49-32


Looks much better and stable. The only issue left is this 104:


as you see i never lost a node at this session. But i understand this case is not easy to debug but other issues seems to be gone, thanks for your time!

Interesting find again. I need to debug that before the long term release. I was testing rapid fire and concurrent inserts I’ll figure it out, won’t be long! You were using the latest version I assume?

Also thank you very much for your help @7c


Yes, i did git pull and saw your commits.. The fact that previous bugs were gone is an indication for me that we are moving forward and i have the commits, i also built them again from scratch, my binaries were deleted because of .gitignore (which is good)... Maybe you can try to remote setup:

node1 : node+cursus
node2: node

and you connect from node2 curush to node1s cluster remotely.

I have identified the issue and will be patching it shortly.
The nodes are fine. It's the cluster.

So here I wrote only retry the amount of nodes so if you have 2 nodes the cluster will retry only twice. Would be good to have a cluster config for this with a default of 4 retries on insert.

Should be

if nodeRetries > -1 {
			nodeRetries -= 1
			goto query
		} else {
			node.Ok = false
			connection.Text.PrintfLine("%d No node was available for insert.", 104)

If you have 2 nodes.. well theres only one with the above logic!! Easy fix.

I have a local test setup and I have 3 VMs(1 cluster, 2 nodes) hosted on Google Cloud with TLS all enabled on my tests. @7c

dc8044b to add to this the cluster only waits 2 seconds and then tries another node up to 10 times which to me seems perfectly fine in my tests.

Same as your setup:

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 13-30-02

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 13-31-30

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 13-33-29

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 13-34-42

Working good!! @7c



fresh pulled, compiled, my first call returned a 104, i also see "fuck" prefixed debug message in client of node1. If you check the timestamp it is the same time cursus got the insert query.. i believe it sent this request to node1 and it really did not do much with it ?

later at the same session i inserted the same statement again and:

i got
2023/12/25 20:18:35 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(insert into test({"a":1});)

and 2023/12/25 20:18:35 FUCK map[action:select collection:test conditions:[] count:false keys:[$id] limit:1 lock:true oprs:[==] skip:0 sort-key: sort-pos: values:[b03ab05e-2548-4011-8649-c3f82710c1cb]] at client1, and 2023/12/25 20:18:35 FUCK map[action:select collection:test conditions:[] count:false keys:[$id] limit:1 lock:true oprs:[==] skip:0 sort-key: sort-pos: values:[b03ab05e-2548-4011-8649-c3f82710c1cb]] at curush.

Might curush be buggy ? (just an idea)

@7c that's me being a banana and forgetting to remove my test logging.

I see, so using join-results true causes that after some recent reworks. Ok no problem. @7c you're on fire 🔥.

It seems like in regards to the 104 error you had. I can't reproduce that for some reason.


If you want you can add debug logs to curush and node codes, so i can try to reprocedure


    - host:
      port: 7682
      replicas: []
    - host:
      port: 7683
      replicas: []
tls-node: false
tls-cert: ""
tls-key: ""
tls: false
port: 7681
key: QyjlGfs+AMjvqJd/ovUUA1mBZ3yEq72y8xBQw94a96k=
    - YWxleA==:7V8VGHNwVTVC7EktlWS8V3kS/xkLvRg/oODmOeIukDY=
node-reader-size: 2097152
log-max-lines: 1000
join-responses: false
logging: false


replicas: []
tls-cert: ""
tls-key: ""
tls: false
port: 7682
key: QyjlGfs+AMjvqJd/ovUUA1mBZ3yEq72y8xBQw94a96k=
max-memory: 10240
log-max-lines: 1000
logging: false
replication-sync-time: 10
tls-replication: false

Node 1

./curode --port 7683
Node key is required.  A node key is shared with your cluster and will encrypt all your data at rest and allow for only connections that contain a correct Key: header value matching the hashed key you provide.
key> ********
2023/12/25 15:36:31 [INFO] main(): No previous data to read.  Creating new .cdat file.

Node 2

Node key is required.  A node key is shared with your cluster and will encrypt all your data at rest and allow for only connections that contain a correct Key: header value matching the hashed key you provide.
key> ********
2023/12/25 15:36:36 [INFO] main(): No previous data to read.  Creating new .cdat file.


2023/12/25 15:37:25 [INFO] ConnectToNodes(): Node connection established to
2023/12/25 15:37:25 [INFO] ConnectToNodes(): Node connection established to
2023/12/25 15:37:38 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(select * from test;)
2023/12/25 15:38:23 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(insert into test({"a":1});)
2023/12/25 15:38:24 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(insert into test({"a":1});)
2023/12/25 15:38:26 [INFO] HandleClientConnection(): query(select * from test;)
^C2023/12/25 15:39:17 [INFO] SignalListener(): Received signal interrupt starting database cluster shutdown.



curush>select * from test;
[{"": null},{"": null}]
curush>insert into test({"a":1});
{"insert":{"$id":"e53a19dd-7d48-41b5-a07c-7815e3b551b7","a":1},"message":"Document inserted","statusCode":2000}
curush>insert into test({"a":1});
{"insert":{"$id":"4ace9e3c-9596-4980-b23d-91b26df47dda","a":1},"message":"Document inserted","statusCode":2000}
curush>select * from test;
[{"": [{"$id":"e53a19dd-7d48-41b5-a07c-7815e3b551b7","a":1},{"$id":"4ace9e3c-9596-4980-b23d-91b26df47dda","a":1}]},{"": null}]


So yeah it's essentially the join-responses for the select action.
I can't reproduce your 104s for some reason.

I'm starting to take that back after doing more testing. It may indeed be something node related but it may just be me because node data is all there on all my vm instances.

It's hard to tell because the node would tell you if its corrupted. I think I might be not using clean states when I test but essentially the join-responses is not the piece here.

Screenshot from 2023-12-25 16-14-09
Here I have 2 nodes

  1. I select
  2. I shut down one node
  3. I select
  4. I turn on the shutdown node
  5. i select and sharded data is back.


for some reason, we get the action "select" instead of INSERT! I believe this is the bug.

Previous successfull insert was responded at debugger like this, which has the action insert:



i see that (probably) multiplexer sends a SELECT then inserts. In this case the bug might be at cursus, obviously it selects but does not continue with inserts


After debugging the cursus, i have had hard time replicating this bug but at the end i had 1 case where this happened.

For some reason cursus.Nodeconnections switch from (which is local one from perspective of cursus) to the other node which is indeed a replica.


ok i think this is the bug:

if we have 2 NodeConnections you iterate the i 0,1 and the chance that you pick the same .Replica node is very high. I dont know why this isnt that case in your tests. Picking the replica node is 33% i believe.

Hm I think thats possible, I’m running tests at the moment. That specific piece selects a node at random and maybe the memory check on the node. So like the node checks it’s own memory to see if it’s at 10gb in mb by default. If it is the node will respond 100 which is unavailable. Amazing finds.

Also in one of your pictures I see that the node is not ok thus not allowing the accessibility. So what this means is the replica is getting set Ok to false which is another piece I’m looking at currently.


I do see what you're saying regarding the select of the node but we are checking if its a replica etc on insert and for example below is that code being used. As you can see it works fine.

Ahh ok, so you're saying don't pick the same one!!! @7c you're really good at this.

Easy money:

Creating commit for Cursus with this fix.

i see that (probably) multiplexer sends a SELECT then inserts. In this case the bug might be at cursus, obviously it selects but does not continue with inserts

Yeah on the insert action Cursus is preparing to create a unique $id for the new document which is unique across all nodes for your specific collection. So yes there is a SELECT first. To add to that last piece.
If you insert:
insert into test({"email!": "", "name": "John"})
Cursus will check all nodes for email because of the email**!** key with the $id check as well.

@7c so with your own testing was the INSERT action your only bug you've encountered? I somehow did not catch any insert bugs probably because we are writing our tests differently. Me myself I use Curush but I also use the cursusdb-go package to concurrently insert 1000s of documents not just singles so I may miss what you're seeing.

My single queries are mainly selects, updates, and deletes to test the query language actions such as pattern matching etc.

Works like magic 🪄 @7c

Everything works so well. WOO!!!

Screenshot from 2023-12-26 07-29-39

🎩 Lovely.

I've finished the backup implementation as well. It's really cool stuff!

Here I insert 80k records into 2 nodes concurrently with 20 connections of your object {"a":2}
Screenshot from 2023-12-26 13-59-50

Screenshot from 2023-12-26 13-57-04

Screenshot from 2023-12-26 14-02-22

Screenshot from 2023-12-26 14-02-43

Its about 30mb of memory per node at 42k docs per node. The reason CursusDB pretty fast on each node linearly is because everything is in memory. If we had to open a file to write or read it everytime sharing a mutex lock would be painfully slow.. like a regular database. Curode only locks per collection not whole database file.


Thanks for your time!

Hey @7c no problem. Enjoy!

@7c the first long term release is out. I've got it running in production. Everything is so smooth, it's incredible. Thank you for your help on testing. I vigorously tested and perfected everything, just lots and lots of repetition. Improving even the searches with new algorithms I came up with. Truly love it. The code base is under 6k core lines of code compared to say 1.7 million like PostgreSQL. This is because of how things are written of course :)


Congratulations. what is your aim please? Do you want to fill a gap between mysql and redis ?

@7c personally nothing fit my needs for a project and I wanted to build something that was easy to scale, automated, and secure by default whilst offering very fast speeds and concurrency.

Innovate for the future now is my goal, making this the most reliable document database.