curlyboi / hashtopus

Distributed wrapper around oclHashcat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hashtopus.exe will not download newest Hashcat when adding clients

coffeebro opened this issue · comments

This is due to the release of hashcat 2.01

This can be fixed by adding the following piece of code to the "hashtopus.sql" file:

INSERT INTO hashcatreleases (version, time, url_nvidia, url_amd, common_files, 32_nvidia, 64_nvidia, 32_amd, 64_amd, rootdir_nvidia, rootdir_amd, minver_nvidia, minver_amd) VALUES
('2.01', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), '', '', 'hashcat.hcstat hashcat.keyfile', 'kernels/4318/32.ptx', 'kernels/4318/64.ptx', 'kernels/4098/.llvmir', 'kernels/4098/.llvmir', 'cudaHashcat-2.01', 'oclHashcat-2.01', 34600, 1409);

I have forked and committed these changes if you would like to merge them. Thanks!

This has been fixed in the newest release.