curlyboi / hashtopus

Distributed wrapper around oclHashcat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong separator on hashlist

baznikin opened this issue · comments

Hello! Trying to run type 2611 salted hash attack againist already known plaines to check how thing work and got nothing. Hashlist separator is ":", but hastopus pass 0x01 as separator to agent:

C:\programs\hashtopus\hashcat\oclHashcat32.exe -a 0 "C:\programs\hashtopus\hashlists\8" "C:\programs\hashtopus\files\leg_planes_2013" --hash-type=2611 --potfile-disable --quiet --restore-disable --session=hashtopus --status --status-automat --status-timer=5 --outfile-check-dir="C:\programs\hashtopus\hashlists\zaps8" --outfile-check-timer=5 --remove --remove-timer=5 --separator=0x01_is_here --skip=0 --limit=839

thats fine, the 01 is used later during cracking but in admin the separator
is defined as : (default, can be changed). just check it saves well into
the db by using myadmin
Dne 15. 8. 2015 19:50 napsal uživatel "baznikin"

Hello! Trying to run type 2611 salted hash attack againist already known
plaines to check how thing work and got nothing. Hashlist separator is ":",
but hastopus pass 0x01 as separator to agent:

�> C:\programs\hashtopus\hashcat\oclHashcat32.exe -a 0
"C:\programs\hashtopus\files\leg_planes_2013" --hash-type=2611
--potfile-disable --quiet --restore-disable --session=hashtopus --status
--status-automat --status-timer=5
--outfile-check-timer=5 --remove --remove-timer=5 --separator=
_0x01_is_here_� --skip=0 --limit=839

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So fast reply! 👍 Noticed this just now and wanted to close issue. Still got nothing, trying to figure out how to use hashtopus correctly

i am only on mobile so i cant check. what hashtype is 2611?
Dne 15. 8. 2015 19:55 napsal uživatel "baznikin"

So fast reply! [image: 👍] Noticed this just now and wanted to close
issue. Still got nothing, trying to figure out how to use hashtopus

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#19 (comment).

It is vBulletin < v3.8.5 hash. Successfully runned hashcat againist this hashlist few years ago

try importing it as unsalted hash, some of these special hashes behave as
if the salt was part ofthe hash itself. always ask yourself: "can the has
exist also unsalted?" if not, chance is you should treat it like ordinary
unsalted hash
Dne 15. 8. 2015 19:58 napsal uživatel "baznikin"

It is vBulletin < v3.8.5 hash. Successfully runned hashcat againist this
hashlist few years ago

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#19 (comment).

It was my bad - badly prepared planes list, didn't strip it from hashes.
PS: I suppose I'll send pull requests soon :D