curlyboi / hashtopus

Distributed wrapper around oclHashcat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Storage of hashes

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Optional to store the cracked hashes so they can be checked and see if any have been cracked before.

Checklist with all methods so they can be checked.

Storage done as follows:

Table Name: MD5
id | type | hash | salt | plaintext
1 | 0 |abcd | | test
2 | 10 |acef | ace | teste

Table Name: SHA1
id | type | hash | salt | plaintext
1 | 100 | abca | | nose
2 | 120 | acde | ace | toes

MD5 will store all types of MD5 hashes (MD5x2 and salted too
SHA1 will store all types of SHA1 and so on.

if the MD5 value is "acef" return testeace
if the SHA1 value is "acde" return acetoes
if the MD5 value is "acef:ace return teste

(optional to import existing lists of cracked hashes)

I'm willing to help develop & code this with you if you're interested in this.

I'm struggling what would be the benefit of such feature?

I would like to scrap the Salt part of this idea, however, Storing the MD5's and SHA1's (checkboxes for methods) will allow lookups to remove the previously cracked hashes from a database

this is essentialy what superhashlists are for
Dne 7. 9. 2015 17:21 napsal uživatel "NullPatrol" <


I would like to scrap the Salt part of this idea, however. Storing the
MD5's and SHA1's (checkboxes for methods) will allow lookups to remove the
previously cracked hashes from a database

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