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Performance Discrepancy B/W 2D and 3D (input) Matrix Multiplications

rajagond opened this issue · comments


There is a significant performance discrepancy between 2D and 3D matrix multiplications in CuPy. When performing a matrix multiplication with 2D inputs, the operation completes significantly faster than with 3D inputs of a similar size. The percentage difference in computation time is unexpectedly high, which suggests a potential performance issue or optimization issue for 3D matrix multiplications. Could you explain if I am missing something?

Cupy Output


input_tensor_2d: (65536, 24576), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
input_tensor_3d: (32, 2048, 24576), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
weights: (24576, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
output_2d: (65536, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
output_3d: (32, 2048, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
CuPy MatMul Time (2d): 182.21650 ms
CuPy MatMul Time (3d): 2285.94271 ms
CuPy MatMul Time (% diff): 1154.52%

Pytorch Output

input_tensor_2d: torch.Size([65536, 24576]), device id: cuda:0
input_tensor_3d: torch.Size([32, 2048, 24576]), device id: cuda:0
weights: torch.Size([24576, 12288]), device id: cuda:0
output_2d: torch.Size([65536, 12288]), device id: cuda:0
output_3d: torch.Size([32, 2048, 12288]), device id: cuda:0
PyTorch 2D Matmul: 182.4959375 ms
PyTorch 3D Matmul: 185.20947916666665 ms
PyTorch Matmul % difference: 1.4869052450368423%

To Reproduce

import cupy as cp  
import argparse  
debug = False
def main(batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size, num_gpus, num_warmup, active_iters):
    # Set device to GPU:0
    # Create tensors
    input_tensor_2d = cp.random.randn(batch_size * seq_len, (4 * hidden_size) // num_gpus, dtype=cp.float32) 
    input_tensor_3d = cp.random.randn(batch_size, seq_len, (4 * hidden_size) // num_gpus, dtype=cp.float32)
    weights = cp.random.randn((4 * hidden_size) // num_gpus, hidden_size, dtype=cp.float32)
    output_2d = cp.zeros((batch_size * seq_len, hidden_size), dtype=cp.float16)
    output_3d = cp.zeros((batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size), dtype=cp.float16)
    # cast to float16
    input_tensor_2d = input_tensor_2d.astype(cp.float16)
    input_tensor_3d = input_tensor_3d.astype(cp.float16)
    weights = weights.astype(cp.float16)

    # create custom stream
    stream = cp.cuda.Stream(non_blocking=True)
    # create events
    start_event = cp.cuda.Event(disable_timing=False)
    end_event = cp.cuda.Event(disable_timing=False)
    print(f"input_tensor_2d: {input_tensor_2d.shape}, device id: {input_tensor_2d.device}", flush=True)
    print(f"input_tensor_3d: {input_tensor_3d.shape}, device id: {input_tensor_3d.device}", flush=True)
    print(f"weights: {weights.shape}, device id: {weights.device}", flush=True)
    print(f"output_2d: {output_2d.shape}, device id: {output_2d.device}", flush=True)
    print(f"output_3d: {output_3d.shape}, device id: {output_3d.device}", flush=True)

    # 2d matmul
    with stream:
        # Warmup iterations
        for _ in range(num_warmup):
            cp.matmul(input_tensor_2d, weights, out=output_2d)

        # Active iterations to measure the time
        for _ in range(active_iters):
            cp.matmul(input_tensor_2d, weights, out=output_2d)
        elapsed_time_2d_avg = cp.cuda.get_elapsed_time(start_event, end_event) / active_iters
    # 3d matmul
    with stream:
        # Warmup iterations
        for _ in range(num_warmup):
            cp.matmul(input_tensor_3d, weights, out=output_3d)
        # Active iterations to measure the time
        for _ in range(active_iters):
            cp.matmul(input_tensor_3d, weights, out=output_3d)
        elapsed_time_3d_avg = cp.cuda.get_elapsed_time(start_event, end_event) / active_iters
    # Print the results  
    print(f"CuPy MatMul Time (2d): {elapsed_time_2d_avg:.5f} ms")
    print(f"CuPy MatMul Time (3d): {elapsed_time_3d_avg:.5f} ms")
    print(f"CuPy MatMul Time (% diff): {100 * (elapsed_time_3d_avg - elapsed_time_2d_avg) / elapsed_time_2d_avg:.2f}%")

if __name__ == "__main__":  
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 
    parser.add_argument('-B', '--batch_size', type=int, required=False, default=32)  
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--seq_len', type=int, required=False, default=2048)
    parser.add_argument('-hs', '--hidden_size', type=int, required=False, default=12288)  
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--num_gpus', type=int, required=False, default=2)  
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--num_warmup', type=int, required=False, default=50)  
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--active_iters', type=int, required=False, default=150)  
    args = parser.parse_args()  
    main(args.batch_size, args.seq_len, args.hidden_size, args.num_gpus, args.num_warmup, args.active_iters)  


Wheel (pip install cupy-***)


OS                           : Linux-6.2.0-1014-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
Python Version               : 3.8.10
CuPy Version                 : 12.3.0
CuPy Platform                : NVIDIA CUDA
NumPy Version                : 1.24.4
SciPy Version                : None
Cython Build Version         : 0.29.36
Cython Runtime Version       : None
CUDA Root                    : /usr/local/cuda
nvcc PATH                    : /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
CUDA Build Version           : 12020
CUDA Driver Version          : 12020
CUDA Runtime Version         : 12010
cuBLAS Version               : (available)
cuFFT Version                : 11002
cuRAND Version               : 10302
cuSOLVER Version             : (11, 4, 5)
cuSPARSE Version             : (available)
NVRTC Version                : (12, 1)
Thrust Version               : 200101
CUB Build Version            : 200101
Jitify Build Version         : <unknown>
cuDNN Build Version          : (not loaded; try `import cupy.cuda.cudnn` first)
cuDNN Version                : (not loaded; try `import cupy.cuda.cudnn` first)
NCCL Build Version           : 21602
NCCL Runtime Version         : 21701
cuTENSOR Version             : None
cuSPARSELt Build Version     : None
Device 0 Name                : NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe
Device 0 Compute Capability  : 80
Device 0 PCI Bus ID          : 0001:00:00.0
Device 1 Name                : NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe
Device 1 Compute Capability  : 80
Device 1 PCI Bus ID          : 0002:00:00.0
Device 2 Name                : NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe
Device 2 Compute Capability  : 80
Device 2 PCI Bus ID          : 0003:00:00.0
Device 3 Name                : NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe
Device 3 Compute Capability  : 80
Device 3 PCI Bus ID          : 0004:00:00.0

Additional Information

No response

Hi @rajagond, thanks for the detailed report. I've confirmed the problem with -B 8:

input_tensor_2d: (16384, 24576), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
input_tensor_3d: (8, 2048, 24576), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
weights: (24576, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
output_2d: (16384, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
output_3d: (8, 2048, 12288), device id: <CUDA Device 0>
CuPy MatMul Time (2d): 51.69049 ms
CuPy MatMul Time (3d): 790.34568 ms
CuPy MatMul Time (% diff): 1429.00%

matmul has a fast path for 2d case (which just uses, and looks there is a room for improvement for 3d case.

cpdef _ndarray_base matmul(