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Mobs don't collide with multi-layer snow in any way

DarkoGNU opened this issue · comments

This is probably related to #2015. In fact, snow was even mentioned in that issue, but its behavior is different from other nonfull blocks. Close this if you believe it's a duplicate

Client version: 1.12.2
Server OS: Linux
Cuberite Commit id: 900f95c

Expected behavior

Mobs collide with multi-layer snow. When they walk on it, their position on the ground is higher. They can't simply walk through the snow or fall through it.

Actual behavior

Mobs don't collide with multi-layer snow. When they walk on it, they're visually (and physically) on the block below the snow. They can walk through it and fall through it.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Place some snow layers.
  2. Put some mobs around.




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