cuberite / brand

Brand assets for Cuberite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add explicit license

12xx12 opened this issue · comments


This seems to be a case where the licensing has been a bit unclear. Should we use the main project license (Apache License 2.0) for the logos as well? What do other projects do in this case?

The Cuberite icon is included in the following repositories, which are licensed under Apache License 2.0:

The website repository differs here, and includes a separate clause:

I believe the seperate clause in the website LICENSE file is just to clarify the trademark status of the Cubeite license - the copyright situation is the same as the main license, but use of the logo is restricted by trademark laws.

I think that's the same way we should go here - some free release, but with a trademark reminder that the brand can only be used on official cuberite projects, or for descriptive purposes.

I'm not an expert on this by any means - we should have a look at what other projects do with their similar repositories.

I used the Cuberite logo as my laptop's custom keyboard Super key, now don't make it illegal :)


I believe the seperate clause in the website LICENSE file is just to clarify the trademark status of the Cubeite license - the copyright situation is the same as the main license, but use of the logo is restricted by trademark laws.

It's something I wrote on a whim about seven years ago, but I'm no expert either. The Unlicense applies to the website repository by default, but I feel it would make more sense to use another license here.

Some examples I found after some quick searching:

And a new others, which mostly seem to fall under main project licenses as well (obviously we wouldn't use GPL for Cuberite).


I will add the Apache license to this repo, if that's fine?

Fine by me, just include a reminder that copyright !== trademark.