cuberite / android

Official Android app for Cuberite

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Message "Failed to extract server files" when trying to extract in Cuberite 1.6.0

ElectronicallyE opened this issue · comments


I am using a Samsung Galaxy J1 Mini (SM-J105Y). I have downloaded and installed the Cuberite 1.6.0 APK from F-Droid. When clicking the green circle "Install Cuberite" on the main page, a popup appears stating "Downloading Cuberite" with no progress (0 %). After approximately 30 seconds, I get the message "Failed to extract server files". I've instead downloaded '' (due to the ARMv7 architecture of the J1 Mini) and '' directly to the phone from Jenkins.

Under 'Settings' > 'Install Cuberite manually', clicking 'Select Cuberite executable zip file' > '' gives the message "Successfully installed Cuberite!". If I click "Select file" and select "", I get the message "Failed to extract server files".

The debug information is:
Running on Android 5.1.1 (API Level 22)
Using ABI armeabi-v7a
Private directory: /data/data/
Public directory: /storage/emulated/0
Storage location: BLANK
Download URL:

I have 3.8 GB available in storage. I can also confirm I did not download the .sha1 files.

Help would be much appreciated in resolving this issue.

@mathiascode, thanks for rectifying this so quickly. In order to use the fix, must I compile the code instead of downloading the latest release (1.6.0)?


Unfortunate regression, but I finally got Android emulators working so I can test older versions properly again. :)

You can test the apk I've attached below to make sure everything is working correctly on your device. Note that it's not compatible with the F-Droid apk, so you have to uninstall the Cuberite app first.

If everything is fine, I'll tag a 1.6.1 release, which F-Droid will hopefully pick up after a few days.

Just tried downloading It is empty (0 B). Could you reupload it?


Drag and drop in Linux strikes again... Try this one:

It works! Got the message "Successfully installed Cuberite!" when clicking the green circle containing "Install Cuberite". It now says "Start Cuberite".

After clicking "Start Cuberite", the 'Console' page appears with a print out. I've also been able to log into the portal (

I've also tried connecting to the server, but getting a "Timed Out" error. I'll publish a new issue describing it in more detail.