cuberite / Essentials

Plugin for Cuberite that implements useful additional features, such as homes and warps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Permission for dropping an item

Tenko-DJ opened this issue · comments


posted this on core should have posted it here

These types of permissions do not have a / command attached.

es.drop.item - Allows for revoking a rank from dropping items (IE Players in creative mode) thus they must destroy it to rid themselves of it (or if NPC shops are made then could be sold to it)

not sure how hard that would be to implement. but noting the default ranks are Default and VIP (if you let VIP players spawn in items then whats the point of having a difference)

Obviously you have to take blocks in to account so maybe to allow certain blocks to be dropped or even not droped or just es.drop.itemid or even a command like

Commands that allow us to revoke permission to drop and place objects.
examples could be

es.(drop | place | throw | use).(item | block | etc )
or even
es.(item | block | etc ).(drop | place | throw | use)

Maybe even a command that will let us take a specific item from a player

/take ID, player, amount