Flipper Support
besouro7 opened this issue · comments
Hey, I'm trying to connect my app to Flipper and use Redux Debugger:
Following this instruction to add middleware: https://github.com/jk-gan/redux-flipper
import {createStore} from 'easy-peasy';
const middlewares = [
/* other middlewares */
if (__DEV__) {
const createDebugger = require('redux-flipper').default;
export default (model, api) => {
return createStore(model, {
name: 'easystore',
injections: {api},
// compose: devTools,
// compose: composeEnhancers,
devTools: true,
middleware: middlewares
Using expo-dev-client, expo SDK 45
Tried versions 3 and 5, yet still get Plugin 'Redux Debugger' is not supported by the selected application 'AppName' (iOS).
Sorry, there are two Redux Debugger plugins within a flipper, one installed by default and not working - second one is fine